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AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF SANTA ANA AMENDING SANTA ANA MUNICIPAL <br />CODE CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE IV DIVISIONS 2-9 TO <br />REQUIRE BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS TO BE <br />RESIDENTS OF THE CITY INSTEAD OF QUALIFIED <br />ELECTORS <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA DOES ORDAIN AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Santa Ana hereby finds, determines <br />and declares that the City of Santa Ana desires to remove barriers that prevent active <br />participation by all City residents in City government. Consistent with this philosophy is <br />the inclusion of all residents of the City for consideration for appointment to the City's <br />Boards and Commissions. As a result and to be consistent with SB 225, the City <br />Council of the City of Santa Ana has directed removal of the requirement that Board and <br />Commission appointees be a "qualified elector" of the City. Instead, Board and <br />Commission appointees will be required to be a resident of the City. <br />Section 2. The Santa Ana City Council hereby amends Chapter 2, Articles IV, <br />Divisions 2-9 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code as follows (additions are in red and <br />underlined, deletions are stricken): <br />CHAPTER 2 - ADMINISTRATION <br />ARTICLE IV. - OFFICERS, DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />DIVISION 2. -APPOINTIVE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />Sec. 2-325. - Compensation for members of boards, commissions. <br />1. The members of the following boards and commissions of the city shall receive the <br />compensation as set forth herein: <br />(a) Community Development and Housing Commission. Fifty dollars ($50.00) per <br />meeting, three (3) meetings maximum per month, plus twenty dollars ($20.00) <br />per month automobile allowance. <br />(b) Personnel Board. Fifty dollars ($50.00) per meeting. <br />(c) Planning Commission. Fifty dollars ($50.00) per meeting, three (3) meetings <br />maximum per month, plus fifty dollars ($50.00) per month automobile <br />allowance. <br />PagEXO i - 8 — 16 3/16/2021 <br />