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(d) Historic Resources Commission. Fifty dollars ($50.00) per meeting, two (2) <br />meetings maximum per month. <br />(e) Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission. Fifty dollars <br />($50.00) per meeting, two (2) meetings maximum per month. <br />(f) Environmental and Transportation Advisory Commission. Fifty dollars ($50.00) <br />per meeting, two (2) meetings maximum per month. <br />(g) Youth Commission. One (1) meeting per month, three (3) special meetings <br />maximum per year with the compensation of fifty dollars ($50.00) per meeting. <br />(h) Arts and Culture Commission. Each commission member shall receive a <br />maximum compensation in the amount of $50.00 for attendance at one regular <br />meeting per month. <br />2. The members of the appointive boards and commissions may receive <br />reimbursement for necessary traveling and other expenses when on official duty of <br />the City when such expenditure has been appropriated by the City Council and <br />authorized by the board or commission and subject to rules and regulations <br />prescribed by ordinance or order of the City Council. <br />Sec. 2-326. — Appointments, removals, vacancies, term <br />a) Except as otherwise specified in the charter, the member of each of the <br />appointive boards and commissions shall be appointed, and may be <br />removed, by the City Council, subject in both appointment and removal by <br />the affirmative votes of a majority of the members. For boards and <br />commissions having at least seven (7) members, the City Council shall <br />select seven (7) members from nominations made by the council member <br />(or mayor in the case of the city-wide seat) whose term coincides with that <br />board or commission seat, as determined by the City Council in <br />accordance with subsection (e) below, together with nominations from any <br />other member of the Council all other appointments shall be as <br />determined by the charter, or by the City Council from time to time. At <br />least fifty -percent (50%) of those persons nominated from time to time by <br />a council member shall be residents of the ward represented by such <br />council member. At the request of a councilmember, this rule may be <br />waived by a 2/3 vote for the City Council for any one appointment if the <br />requesting member is unable to find a qualified and acceptable ward <br />resident to nominate. For purposes of this rule, residency is only required <br />at the time of nomination. <br />b) Vacancies arising from whatever cause shall be filled in the same manner. <br />Upon a vacancy occurring leaving an unexpired portion of the term, any <br />appointment to fill such a vacancy shall be for the unexpired portion of <br />City Council 8 — 17 r finance 6 ge XX <br />aof 14 <br />