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EXHIBIT 1 <br />amount of all matching funds contributed by the SUBRECIPIENT will be enumerated in Exhibit B, Final <br />Budget- <br />G. Protnam Income <br />(1) Definition. Program income means, as provided by 2 CFR 200.80, gross income received by the <br />SIIBRECIPIEN"I directly generated by a grant support activity, or earned only as a result of the grant <br />agraancm during the grant period. For purposes of ESG, program income will also include any amount of a <br />security or utility deposit returned to the SUBRECIPIENT. <br />(2) Usc- The SUBRFCIP11:NT shall use all income received from said funds only for the same purposes for <br />which said funds may be expended pursuant to the nrnns and wnditions of this AGRFFMFNT- <br />(3) Counts toward Matching. Costs paid by program income may count toward meeting the matching <br />requirements, provided the costs are eligible ESG costs that supplement the program. <br />H- Separation of Accounts <br />All funds received by the SUBRI CIPIFNT from the CITY pursuant to this AGRFIiMENT shall be maintained <br />separate and apart from any other funds of the SUBRFCIPIFNT, or of any principal or member of the <br />SUBRECIPIENT, in an account (the -Account") at a federally insured banking or savings and loan institution with <br />record ke-ping of such Accounts maintained pursuant to applicable legal rcquicments. The SUBRECIPIENT shall <br />keep all records of the Account in a manner that is consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. No <br />monies shall be withdrawn from the Account except for expenditures relating to essential services, homeless <br />prevention, and/or operations costs, as authorized hereunder- All disbursements front the Account shall be for <br />obligations incurred in the performance of this AGREEMENT and shall be supported by contracts, invoices, <br />vouchers, and other data, as appropriate, evidencing the necessity of such expenditure. Tlne CITY may withhold <br />payment allocation requests if the SUBILLCIPIL:NT fails to comply with the above requirements until such <br />compliance is demonstrated - <br />I. Expenditure of Funds <br />Much like how HUD requires the CITY, pursuant to 24 CFR 576.203, to expend all of the grant limds for eligible <br />activity costs within 24 months after the date that HUD signs the grant agreement with the CITY, it is a <br />requirement for the SUBRECIPIENT to expend all of the grant funds for eligible activity costs within the <br />aforementioned period- For the purposes of this paragraph, expenditure means either an actual cash disbursement <br />for a direct charge for a good/service or an indirect cost, or the accrual of a direct charge for a good/service or an <br />indirect cost- Failure to expand said funds within said timeframe can result in a reallocation of funds- <br />k Prohibited Use <br />(1) Generally. Tlne SUBRECIPIENT hereby certifies and agrecs that it will not use funds provided through this <br />AGREEMENT to pay for meals for persons other than those identified as homeless or at risk of homelessness. Said <br />funds shall not be used for entertainment purposes or for gifts. The SUBRECIPIFNT certifies that it will not use said <br />funds for illegal or dishonest conduct, rather, fund use will remain in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and <br />local laws, including applicable laws not outlined in this AGREEMENT. <br />(2) Lobbying. The SUBRECIPIENT certifies and agree that it will comply with federal law (31 U.S.C. 1352) <br />and regulations found at 24 C:FR Part 87, which provide that no appropriated funds may be expended by the recipient <br />of a federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement to pay any person for influencing or attempting to <br />influence an officer or employee of any agency, Member of Congress, or an office- or employee of a Member of <br />rd <br />City Council 14 — 30 5/4/2021 <br />60A-28 <br />