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EXHIBIT 1 <br />C. payment <br />Payment is subject to the receipt and approval of such invoices and quarterly activity reports, as hereinafter more <br />fully set forth below under Repotting, with the final payment subject to the satisfaction of the condition precedent <br />of submittal of complete invoicing and reporting information due on or before July 15 of the applicable funding <br />year. The CITY shall pay .such invoices withum thirty (30) days after receipt thereof, provide{ the CITY is <br />satisfied that such expenses have been incurred within the scope of this AGREEMENT and that tlra <br />SUBRF,CIPIF,NT is in compliance with the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. -[he thirty (30) day <br />period will discontinue if the reimbursement request is determined to be incomplete and will restart the thirty day <br />timclinc once the remaining required elements have been submitted. <br />Failure to provide any of the required documentation and reporting will cause the CI TY to withhold all or a <br />portion of a request for reimbursement until such documentation and reporting has been received and approved by <br />the CI FY. <br />D. Use of Fundy <br />The SUBRECIPIENT agrees to use said finds pursuant to this AGREEMENT to pay for necessary and <br />reasonable costs allowable under federal law and regulations to operate said program only. Said amounts shall <br />include and will be limited to, street outreach, emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, rapid re -housing <br />assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services, short-term and medium -term rental assistance, and <br />ITonrele�s Managemeut Information Systems ("IIMIS') data contribution as set forth in 24 CFR § 576.101 — § <br />576.107. Allowable program costs are detailed in the Budget, as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and by this <br />reference incorporated herein_ "the SUBRI?CIPIENI S failure to perform as required may, in addition to other <br />remedies set forth in this ACIRI LMFNT, result in reaclimtment of the amount of fiords the CITY is othewise <br />obligated to pay to the SITBRECIPIENT pursuant to the tc'ruS hereof_ The SUBRECIPIFNT agrees that the <br />homeless shelter/services under said program shall be available for the entire period during which said finds are <br />provided. <br />E. Condition of Funding <br />(1) The CI I advises the SUBRI:CIPIENT that a significant change in entitlement funding may result in a <br />change in the current process utilized by the CITY to determine funding allocations_ the SUBRFOPI1 NI' <br />acknowledges that the obligation of the CITY is contingent upon the availability of Federal, State or Local <br />govern rent funds, which are appropriated or allocated for the payment of such an obligation. If trending levels are <br />significantly affected by Federal budgeting or if funds are not allocated and available for the continuance of the <br />function performed by the S11IIRI;('IPIL"NT, this AGR1:I:MIiNT may be terminated by the CITY at the end of <br />the period for which fiends are available. At the eathest opportunity, the CITY shall notify the SIJBRECIPIFNT <br />of any service which may be affected by a shortage of funds. No penalty shall accrue to the CITY in the event this <br />provision is exercised and the CITY shall not be liable for any damages as a result of termination under this <br />provision of this AGREEMENT. Nothung herein shall be construed as obligating the CITY to expend funds in <br />excess of appropriations authorized by law- <br />(2) The Si T3RECIPIENT shall allow representatives of the CITY or ITUD to inspect faeilitie� which are used <br />in connection with the AGREEMENT or which implement programs funded tinder this AGREEMENT. <br />F. Matchine <br />The SUBRECIPIENT is required to snake matching contributions to supplement the ESG program in an amount <br />that equals or exceeds the amount of ESG funds provided by HUD through the CITY_ Such contributions shall be <br />entirely consistent with the Matching Requirements as outlined by 24 CI R § 576.201. The anticipated source and <br />3 <br />City Council 14 — 29 5/4/2021 <br />soy-27 <br />