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9. ACMS shall provide all Crossing Guards with apparel by which they are readily visible <br />and easily recognized as Crossing Guards. Such apparel shall be uniform for all persons <br />performing the duties of Crossing Guards and shall be worn at all times while performing <br />said duties. The apparel must be appropriate for weather conditions. <br />10. ACMS shall be responsible to coordinate with Schools to ensure coverage is being <br />provided at designated locations when school schedules are modified and/or changed <br />for any reason that requires children to arrive or depart at a time that is different than <br />standard scheduled hours. <br />11. ACMS shall provide supervisory personnel to see that Crossing Guard activities are <br />taking place at the required places and times, and in accordance with all items of this <br />agreement. <br />12, ACMS shall maintain adequate reserve personnel to be able to furnish alternate <br />Crossing Guards in the event that any person fails to report for work at the assigned time <br />and location and agrees to provide immediate replacement. ACMS shall provide for its <br />employees a 24-hour answering service and shall establish its own call -out procedures. <br />13. ACMS will investigate all public complaints concerning Crossing Guard services. All <br />incidents shall be reported to Municipality or School District within two (2) hours to <br />advise of the nature of complaint. ACMS shall furnish a written report within five (5) <br />business days after the date of the incident, which includes the course of resolution to <br />said complaint. <br />14. Any employee whose conduct is not satisfactory, as determined by the City of Sana Ana, <br />shall be removed from providing crossing guard services in the City of Santa Ana, <br />15. ACMS will conduct all administrative duties associated with the City of Santa Ana <br />Crossing Guard program. <br />