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DocuSign Envelope to: EB99EC9B-ABB4-4858-B206-013A01AFF1FB <br />OMB Approved No.: 1505-0270 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY <br />Expiration Date: 10/31/2021 EMERGENCY RENTAL ASSISTANCE <br />Eligible grantee name and address: DUNS Number: 083153247 <br />City of Santa Ana Taxpayer Identification Number: 956000785 <br />20 Civic Centel' Plaza Assistance Listing Number and Title: 21.023-Emergency Rental' Assistance <br />Santa Ana, California, 92701-0000 Program <br />Section 3201(a) of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Pub. L. No. 117-2 (March 11, 2021), authorizes the Department of the <br />Treasury ("Treasury") to make payments to certain eligible grantees to be used to provide emergency rental assistance. <br />The eligible grantee hereby agrees, as a condition to receiving such payment from Treasury, to the terms attached hereto. <br />—noauatdned by: <br />Authorized Representative signature (above) <br />[To be signed by chiefexecutive officer ifrecipient is a local government] <br />Authorized Representative Name: <br />Authorized Representative Title: <br />Date Signed: <br />U.S. Department of the Treasury: <br />Name of Authorized Representative: Jacob Leibenluft <br />Tide: Counselor to the Secretary <br />Date: 5fl3 2021 <br />Kristine Ridge <br />City Manager <br />3/10/2021 <br />PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT NOTICE: The information collected will be used far the U.S, Government to process requests forsupport. The estimated <br />burden associated with this collection of information is l5 minutes per response. Comments concerning the accuracy ofthis burden estimate and suggestions <br />for reducing this burden should be directed to the Office of Privacy, Transparency and Records, Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., <br />Washington, D.C. 20220. DO NOT send the form to this address. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not requited to respond to, a <br />collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by OMB. <br />PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT <br />AUT IORITY:Solicitalion of this information is authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of2021, Title 111, Pub. L. No. 117-2. <br />PURPOSE;Trcasury is required by the American Rescue Plan Act of2021 to identify eligible gramcce/recipients to provide emergency rental assistance to <br />individuals who qualify for relief under the Act. Eligible gmntees/mcipients are slate, local, and territorial governments which identify households requiring <br />relief according to requirements contained in the Act. Treasury maintains contact information for authorized representatives and contact persons for the <br />propose of communicating with eligible grantees regarding issues related to implementation of the Act. <br />ROUTINE USES:The information you Rtmish may be shared in accordance with the routine uses outlined in the Treasury's system of records nolice, Treasury <br />.017 - Conespondence and Contact Information, which can be found at 81 FR 78266 (Nov. 7, 2016). <br />DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of this infommtion to Treasury is required in order to comply with the requirements the American Rescue Plan Act of2021. <br />Disclosure ofthis information is voluntary, however, gmnlees/mcipienls that do not disclose contact information will be unable to communicate with Treasury <br />on issues related to their obligations tinder the Act and this may affect the status of their award. <br />