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DocuSlgn Envelope ID; EB99EC9B-ABB4-4858-B206-013A0l AFF1FB <br />OMB Approved No.: 1505-0270 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TILE TREASURY <br />Expiration Date: 10/31/2021 EMERGENCY RENTAL ASSISTANCE <br />AWARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />1. Use of Funds. Recipient understands and agrees that the funds disbursed under this award may only be used for the purposes set <br />forth in subsection (d) of section 3201 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Pub, L. No. 117-2 (March 11, 2021) ("Section <br />3201") and any guidance issued by Treasury regarding the Emergency Rental Assistance program established under Section 3201 <br />(the "Guidance"). - - <br />2. Reallocation of Funds. Recipient understands and agrees that any funds allocated by Treasury to Recipient that are not disbursed <br />to Recipient in accordance with Section 3201(c)(2) as a subsequent payment will be reallocated by Treasury to other eligible <br />recipients under Section 3201(e). Such reallocation of funds shall be made in the manner and by the date, which shall be no sooner <br />than March 31, 2022, as may be set by Treasury. Recipient agrees to obligate at least fifty (50) percent of the total amount of funds <br />allocated by Treasury to Recipient under Section 3201 to be eligible to receive reallocated funds corder Section 3201(e). <br />3. Assistance to Elieible Households. Recipient agrees to permit eligible households (as defined in Section 3201(0(2)) to submit <br />applications for financial assistance directly to Recipient, and to receive financial assistance directly from Recipient, under <br />programs established by Recipient using funds disbursed under, this award. Recipient may make payments to a landlord or utility <br />provider on behalf of an eligible household, but if the landlord or utility provider does not agree to accept such payment after <br />Recipient makes reasonable efforts to obtain its cooperation, Recipient must make such payments directly to the eligible household <br />for the purpose of making payments to the landlord or utility provider. <br />4. Period of Performance. The period of performance for this award begins on the date hereof and ends on September 30, 2025, <br />Recipient shall not incur any obligations to be paid with the funding from this award after such period of performance ends. <br />5. Administrative costs. <br />a. Recipient may use funds provided to the Recipient to cover both direct and indirect costs. <br />b. The total of all administrative costs, whether direct or indirect costs, may not exceed 15 percent of the total amount of the <br />total award. <br />6. Reportine.Recipient agrees to comply with any reporting obligations established by Treasury as related to this award. Recipient <br />acknowledges that any such information required to be repotted pursuant to this section may be publicly disclosed. <br />7. Maintenance of and Access to Records. <br />a. Recipient shall maintain records and financial documents sufficient to support compliance with Section 3201 and the <br />Guidance. <br />b. The Treasury Office of Inspector General and the Government Accountability Office, or their authorized representatives, <br />shall have the right of access to records (electronic and otherwise) of Recipient in order to conduct audits or other <br />investigations. <br />c. Records shall be maintained by Recipient for a period of five (5) years after the period of performance. <br />8. Cost Sharing.Cost sharing or matching funds are not required to be provided by Recipient. <br />9. Compliance with Applicable Law and Regulations <br />a. Recipient agrees to comply with the requirements of Section 3201 and the Guidance. Recipient also agrees to comply with <br />all other applicable federal statutes, regulations, and executive orders, and Recipient shall provide for such compliance in <br />any agreements it enters into with other parties relating to this award. <br />b. Federal regulations applicable to this award include, without limitation, the following: <br />i. Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, 2 C.F.R. Part <br />200, other than such provisions as Treasury may determine are inapplicable to this Award and subject to such <br />exceptions as may be otherwise provided by Treasury. Subpart F — Audit Requirements of the Uniform Guidance, <br />implementing the Single Audit Act, shall apply to this award. <br />ii. Universal Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM), 2 C.F.R. Part 25 and pursuant to which the award <br />term set forth in Appendix A to 2 C.F.R. Part 25 is hereby incorporated by reference. <br />
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