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. ku A(ZeA+ le,l< (s, )3 A-2021-026 <br /> STATE OF CALIFORNIA -CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION <br /> CTC-0001 (NEW 05/2018) <br /> ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 <br /> rior RED PROJECT BASELINE AGREEMENT <br /> WORK MAY NNOCfs) <br /> co <br /> CLERK OF Man Resolution SCCP-P-1920-08B <br /> F-m (will be completed by CTC) <br /> CD 1. FUNDING PROGRAM Return FULLY EXECUTED <br /> ❑ Active Transportation Program copy to COTC, M-30 <br /> ❑ Local Partnership Program(Competitive) <br /> ® Solutions for Congested Corridors Program <br /> ❑ State Highway Operation and Protection Program <br /> 0 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program <br /> 2. PARTIES AND DATE <br /> 2.1 This Project Baseline Agreement(Agreement)for the, <br /> effective on, June 24,2020 (will be completed by CEC),is made by and between the California Transportation <br /> Commission(Commission),the California Department of Transportation(Caltrans),the Project Applicant, <br /> Orange County Transportation Authority ,and the Implementing Agency, <br /> City of Tustin and City of Santa Ana ,sometimes collectively referred to as the"Parties". <br /> 3. RECITAL <br /> 3.2 Whereas at its December 5,2018 meeting the Commission approved the Solutions for Congested Corridors Program,and included in this <br /> program of projects the,the parties are entering into this Project Baseline Agreement to document the project cost,schedule,scope and <br /> benefits,as detailed on the Project Programming Request Form attached hereto as Exhibit A and the Project Report attached hereto as <br /> exhibit la,as the baseline for project monitoring by the Commission. <br /> 3.3 The undersigned Project Applicant certifies that the funding sources cited are committed and expected to be available;the estimated costs <br /> represent full project funding;and the scope and description of benefits is the best estimate possible, <br /> 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> The Project Applicant,Implementing Agency,and Caltrans agree to abide by the following provisions: <br /> 4.1 To meet the requirements of the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017(Senate Bill[SB] 1,Chapter 5,Statutes of 2017)which <br /> provides the first significant,stable,and on-going increase in state transportation funding in more than two decades. <br /> 4.2 To adhere,as applicable,to the provisions of the Commission: <br /> ❑ Resolution Insert Number ,"Adoption of Program of Projects for the Active Transportation Program", <br /> dated <br /> ❑ Resolution Insert Number ,"Adoption of Program of Projects for the Local Partnership Program", <br /> dated <br /> ® Resolution SCCP-P-18-1819-01"Adoption of Program of Projects for the Solutions for Congested Corridors Program", <br /> dated Dece,ber 5,2018 <br /> ❑ Resolution Insert Number ,"Adoption of Program of Projects for the State Highway Operation and Protection Program", <br /> dated <br /> ❑ Resolution Insert Number ,"Adoption of Program of Projects for the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program", <br /> dated <br /> Project Baseline Agreement Page 1 of 3 <br />