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W&MYTFgQUMD A-2021-185 <br />W <br />PROPOSITION 1 ROUND 1 INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT <br />IMPLEMENTATION GRANT <br />fAq- rC'CG$�iIto IMAY faUYY) GRANT FUNDING CONTRACT <br />BETWEEN THE <br />N <br />0 <br />N <br />`7 <br />e— <br />U <br />0 <br />SANTAANA WATERSHED PROJECT AUTHORITY <br />AND <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />This Proposition 1 Round 1 Integrated Regional Water Management ("IRWM") Implementation <br />Grant Funding Contract ("Contract") is made between Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority <br />("SAWPA"), and City of Santa Ana, (the "Sub -Grantee"). SAWPA and the Sub -Grantee may be <br />individually referred to as "Party", and collectively referred to as the "Parties". <br />WHEREAS, Section 79740 et seq. of the Water Code authorized approximately $510 million to <br />assist water infrastructure systems adapt to climate change, provide incentives for water <br />agencies to collaborate in managing the region's water resources and setting regional priorities <br />for water infrastructure, improve regional water self-reliance, and reduce reliance on the <br />Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta; <br />WHEREAS, on April 30, 2021, the California Department of Water Resources ("DWR") and <br />SAWPA entered into a Proposition 1 Round 1 Integrated Regional Water Management <br />Implementation Grant Agreement No. 4600013842 ("Grant Agreement"), attached hereto as <br />Attachment A, providing that SAWPA would serve as the program manager for the <br />$23,091,428 in IRWM grant funds to be disbursed to Sub -Grantees, consistent with IRWM and <br />California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") requirements, and ensuring that the maximum <br />benefit of such funds are realized in the Santa Ana River Watershed; and <br />WHEREAS, consistent with the Grant Agreement, SAWPA intends to disburse to the Sub - <br />Grantee a portion of the $23,091,428 in IRWM grant funds for its project component by way of <br />this Grant Funding Contract with the Sub -Grantee. <br />THEREFORE, based on the foregoing incorporated recitals and in consideration of the mutual <br />covenants and conditions set forth in this Contract, the Parties hereby agree to the following: <br />SECTION 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The Sub -Grantee's Project is the component described in the IRWM Grant Agreement as <br />Raitt & Myrtle Park Project. This project features the construction of an approximately 1,600- <br />square-foot bioretention basin with no underdrain and a large subsurface infiltration gallery <br />(Stormchamber) in a new 1.18-acre park. Combined, the Best Management Practices (BMPs) <br />are designed to capture and infiltrate approximately 5.3 acre-feet per year of stormwater from <br />the approximately 9.87-acre drainage area. Per the North Orange County Municipal Separate <br />Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit <br />(Order No. R8-2009-0030 as amended by Order No. R8-2010-0062), it is a new <br />development/significant redevelopment requirement to treat stormwater runoff from the 85th <br />percentile, 24-hour storm generated on the park parcel. In this part of Santa Ana, the 85th <br />