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EXHIBIT 5 <br />percentile, 24-hour storm is 0.75 inches. This project far exceeds that standard, as the BMPs <br />are designed for a 1.75-inch storm and will capture and infiltrate stormwater runoff from the park <br />parcel itself and the surrounding residential drainage area. Overall, the North Orange County <br />MS4 NPDES Permit requirement only accounts for approximately 2.5% of the total volume of <br />stormwater capture. <br />This project is located in the Newport Bay Watershed. Newport Bay has multiple Total Maximum <br />Daily Loads (TMDLs) in the implementation phase. Therefore, stormwater infiltration in the park <br />will assist with TMDL compliance, improve water quality, and increase regional water self- <br />reliance. This project also includes drought -tolerant landscaping, walkways, drinking water <br />fountains, and interpretive signage promoting watershed, water quality, and drought -tolerant <br />landscaping education. Additional park elements and recreational components, outside the <br />scope of work of this grant project, will also be constructed at the park during the construction <br />time period. These components are not included in this work plan or grant application. <br />This multi -benefit project addresses all of the goals in the Integrated Regional Water <br />Management Plan for North and Central Orange County —the OC Plan —which includes <br />providing adequate and reliable water supplies, protecting and enhancing water quality, <br />restoring ecosystems and improving native habitat, integrating flood management, improving <br />quality of life in Orange County, and addressing climate change. <br />SECTION 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: ORDER OF PRECEDENCE: SUB - <br />GRANTEE GENERAL COMMITMENT <br />This Contract incorporates and includes as part of its terms and conditions the Grant <br />Agreement. <br />In the event of any inconsistency between this Contract and the Grant Agreement, except as <br />otherwise specifically provided, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence to the <br />Grant Agreement. <br />The Sub -Grantee shall comply with all terms, provisions, conditions, and commitments of this <br />Contract and the Grant Agreement. Such compliance shall include providing SAWPA with all <br />deliverables, budget detail, reports and all other documents required by the Grant Agreement. <br />On behalf of and for the benefit of SAWPA, Sub -Grantee shall comply with all of the obligations <br />and requirements of the Grant Agreement as if the Sub -Grantee were the "Grantee" under the <br />terms of the Grant Agreement. Such compliance shall be to the fullest extent necessary and as <br />may be required by SAWPA in order to enable SAWPA to comply with the Grant Agreement as <br />"Grantee." <br />SECTION 3. ESTIMATED ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS: GRANT AMOUNT <br />The estimated reasonable cost of the Project at the time of SAWPA's and DWR's approval of <br />the Project is One Million Nine Hundred Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred dollars <br />($1,916,500). Subject to all of the terms, provisions, and conditions of this Contract, and subject <br />to the availability of the grant funds, SAWPA shall disburse such grant funds in a sum not -to - <br />exceed One Million Six Hundred Seventy Thousand dollars ($1,670,000). In all events, <br />SAWPA's actual grant disbursements to the Sub -Grantee under this Contract shall not exceed <br />payments received from the DWR. <br />