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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4A94-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />&rant Agreemento.4600013842 <br />Page 7 of 71 <br />the Grantee of its decision to withhold the entire funding amount from the Grantee pursuant to this <br />Paragraph, this Grant Agreement shall terminate upon receipt of such notice by the Grantee and the State <br />shall no longer be required to provide funds under this Grant Agreement and the Grant Agreement shall <br />no longer be binding on either party. <br />12) DEFAULT PROVISIONS. The Grantee shall be in default under this Grant Agreement if any of the <br />following occur: <br />A. Substantial breaches of this Grant Agreement, or any supplement or amendment to it, or any other <br />agreement between the Grantee and the State evidencing or securing the Grantee's obligations; <br />B. Making any false warranty, representation, or statement with respect to this Grant Agreement or the <br />application filed to obtain this Grant Agreement; <br />C. Failure to operate or maintain the Project in accordance with this Grant Agreement. <br />D. Failure to make any remittance required by this Grant Agreement, including any remittance <br />recommended as the result of an audit conducted pursuant to Paragraph D.5. <br />E. Failure to submit quarterly progress reports pursuant to Paragraph 5. <br />F. Failure to routinely invoice the State pursuant to Paragraph 8. <br />G. Failure to meet any of the requirements set forth in Paragraph 13, "Continuing Eligibility." <br />Should an event of default occur, the State shall provide a notice of default to the Grantee and shall give <br />the Grantee at least ten (10) calendar days to cure the default from the date the notice is sent via first- <br />class mail to the Grantee. If the Grantee fails to cure the default within the time prescribed by the State, <br />the State may do any of the following: <br />H. Declare the funding be immediately repaid, with interest, which shall be equal to State of California <br />general obligation bond interest rate in effect at the time of the default. <br />I. Terminate any obligation to make future payments to the Grantee. <br />J. Terminate the Grant Agreement. <br />K. Take any other action that it deems necessary to protect its interests. <br />In the event the State finds it necessary to enforce this provision of this Grant Agreement in the manner <br />provided by law, the Grantee agrees to pay all costs incurred by the State including, but not limited to, <br />reasonable attorneys' fees, legal expenses, and costs. <br />13) CONTINUING ELIGIBILITY. The Grantee shall meet the following ongoing requirement(s) and all eligibility <br />criteria outlined in the 2019 Guidelines to remain eligible to receive State funds: <br />A. An urban water supplier that receives grant funds pursuant to this Agreement shall maintain <br />compliance with the Urban Water Management Planning Act (UWMP; Wat. Code, § 10610 et seq.) <br />and Sustainable Water Use and Demand Reduction (Wat. Code, § 10608 et seq.) as set forth on page <br />11 of the 2019 Guidelines and as stated on page 22 of the Proposal Solicitation Package. <br />B. An agricultural water supplier receiving grant funds shall comply with Sustainable Water Use and <br />Demand Reduction requirements outlined in Water Code section 10608, et seq. and have their <br />Agricultural Water Management Plan (AWMP) deemed consistent by DWR. To maintain eligibility and <br />continue funding disbursements, an agricultural water supply shall have their 2015 AWMP identified <br />on the State's website. For more information, visit the website listed in Appendix A in the 2019 <br />Guidelines. <br />C. A surface water diverter receiving grant funds shall maintain compliance with diversion reporting <br />requirements as outlined in Water Code section 5100 at. seq. <br />