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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1 E5-4A94-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />I:► 11 iM <br />Grant greemen o. 13842-- <br />Page 8 of 71 <br />D. If applicable, the Grantee shall demonstrate compliance with the Sustainable Groundwater <br />Management Act (SGMA) set forth on page 10 of the 2019 Guidelines. <br />E. If the Grantee has been designated as a monitoring entity under the California Statewide Groundwater <br />Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program, the Grantee shall maintain reporting compliance, as <br />required by Water Code section 10932 and the CASGEM Program. <br />F. The Grantee shall adhere to the protocols developed pursuant to The Open and Transparent Water <br />Data Act (Wat. Code, § 12406, et seq.) for data sharing, transparency, documentation, and quality <br />control. <br />14) SUBMISSION OF REPORTS. The submittal and approval of all reports is a requirement for the successful <br />completion of this Grant Agreement. Reports shall meet generally accepted professional standards for <br />technical reporting and shall be proofread for content, numerical accuracy, spelling, and grammar prior to <br />submittal to the State. All reports shall be submitted to the State's Project Manager and shall be submitted <br />via the DWR "Grant Review and Tracking System" (GRanTS). If requested, the Grantee shall promptly <br />provide any additional information deemed necessary by the State for the approval of reports. Reports <br />shall be presented in the formats described in the applicable portion of Exhibit F, "Report Formats and <br />Requirements." The timely submittal of reports is a requirement for initial and continued disbursement of <br />State funds. Submittal and subsequent approval by the State of a Project Completion Report is a <br />requirement for the release of any funds retained for such project. <br />A. Quarterly Progress Reports: The Grantee shall submit quarterly Progress Reports to meet the State's <br />requirement for disbursement of funds. Progress Reports shall be uploaded via GRanTS, and the <br />State's Project Manager notified of upload. Progress Reports shall, in part, provide a brief description <br />of the work performed, the Grantee's activities, milestones achieved, any accomplishments and any <br />problems encountered in the performance of the work under this Grant Agreement during the reporting <br />period. The first Progress Report must accompany an invoice ($0 Invoices are acceptable) and shall <br />be submitted within 60 days following the end of the calendar quarter (i.e. invoices due May 30, <br />August 29, November 29, and March 1). <br />B. Accountability Report: The Grantee shall prepare and submit to the State an Accountability Report on <br />a quarterly basis if the Grantee received an advanced payment, consistent with the provisions in <br />Paragraph 9, "Advanced Payment." <br />C. Proiect Completion Report: The Grantee shall prepare and submit to the State a separate Project <br />Completion Report for each project included in Exhibit A. The Grantee shall submit a Project <br />Completion Report (or a Component Completion Report, if a Project has multiple Components) within <br />ninety (90) calendar days of Project/Component completion as outlined in Exhibit F. <br />D. Grant Completion Report: Upon completion of all the Projects included in Exhibit A, the Grantee shall <br />submit to the State a Grant Completion Report. The Grant Completion Report shall be submitted <br />within ninety (90) calendar days of submitting the Completion Report for the final project to be <br />completed under this Grant Agreement, as outlined in Exhibits A, and F. Retention for any grant <br />administration line items in the Budget of this Grant Agreement will not be disbursed until the Grant <br />Completion Report is approved by the State. <br />E. Post -Performance Reports: The Grantee shall prepare and submit to the State Post -Performance <br />Reports for the applicable project(s). Post -Performance Reports shall be submitted to the State within <br />ninety (90) calendar days after the first operational year of a project has elapsed. This record keeping <br />and reporting process shall be repeated annually for a total of three (3) years after the project begins <br />operation. <br />15) OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PROJECT. For the useful life of construction and implementation <br />projects and in consideration of the funding made by the State, the Grantee agrees to ensure or cause to <br />be performed the commencement and continued operation of the project, and shall ensure or cause the <br />project to be operated in an efficient and economical manner; shall ensure all repairs, renewals, and <br />