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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4A94-96CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />Grant greemen o.4600013842 <br />Page 13 of 71 <br />PROJECT 1: Enhancements to Watershed -Wide Water Budget Decision Support Tool <br />IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project (categorized as a decision support tool) will create water budgets based <br />on efficiency at the customer and retail water agency scale through the collection of aerial imagery, weather data, <br />and other information. By making the budgets available to retail water agencies through an online decision support <br />tool, agency staff will be able to compare the Pilot budgets and their customers' usage. This comparison will help <br />them identify which customers are inefficient (i.e., usage exceeds water budget) and target conservation programs, <br />such as turf removal rebate programs, to those inefficient customers. <br />Budget Category (a): Project Administration <br />Task 1: Proiect Management <br />Manage the project by working with the consultants, Bureau of Reclamation, and the member agencies, the <br />Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC), and the existing Santa Ana Watershed Project <br />Authority Project Agreement 22 Committee, which includes a representative from each of the five member <br />agencies. Prepare invoices including relevant supporting documentation for submittal to DWR as Grantee. <br />This task also includes administrative responsibilities associated with the project such as coordinating with <br />partnering agencies and managing consultants/contractors. <br />Deliverables: <br />• Invoices and associated backup documentation <br />Task 2: Reporting <br />Prepare progress reports detailing work completed during reporting period as outlined in Exhibit F of this <br />Agreement. Submit reports to DWR. <br />Prepare Project Completion Report and submit to DWR, no later than 90 days after project completion for <br />DWR Project Manager's comment and review. The report shall be prepared and presented in accordance with <br />guidance as outlined in Exhibit F. <br />Deliverables: <br />• Quarterly Project Progress Reports <br />• Project Completion Report <br />• Documentation (e.g., photo) of "Acknowledgment of Credit & Signage" per Standard Condition D.2 <br />Budget Category (b): Land Purchase/Easement <br />Not Applicable <br />Budget Category (c): Planning/Design/Engineering/Environmental Documentation <br />Task 3: CEQA Documentation — Not applicable <br />The Lead Agency determined this is not a project under CEQA. <br />Task 4: Permitting — Not applicable <br />Task 5: Proiect Monitoring Plan — Not applicable <br />