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EXHIBIT 5 <br />SECTION 5. DISBURSEMENT <br />Grant funds will be disbursed in accordance with the disbursement provisions of the Grant <br />Agreement. SAWPA will disburse grant funds received from DWR to Sub -Grantee within 30 <br />days of receipt of grant funds, except as described in Section 14. Withholding of Grant <br />Disbursements of this Contract. <br />Retention is stipulated in Exhibit D, Item 36 of the Grant Agreement. <br />SECTION 6. FISCAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND ACCOUNTING STANDARDS <br />The Sub -Grantee agrees that, at a minimum, its fiscal control and accounting procedures shall <br />be sufficient to permit tracking of grant funds to a level of expenditure adequate to establish that <br />such funds have not been used in violation of State law or this Contract. The Sub -Grantee shall <br />maintain separate Project accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles <br />and practices, consistently applied. <br />SECTION 7. TERM <br />This Contract shall not be effective until it has been fully executed by both parties. The Term of <br />this Contract shall be the same as the Term of the Grant Agreement, unless sooner terminated <br />pursuant to the provisions of this Contract or the Grant Agreement. <br />SECTION 8. COVENANT TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN PROJECT FACILITIES <br />The Sub -Grantee shall properly staff, operate and maintain all portions of the Project during the <br />Projecfs useful life and in accordance with this Contract, the Grant Agreement, and all applicable <br />state and federal laws, rules and regulations. In the event that the Sub -Grantee assigns or <br />transfers all or any portions of the Project to another entity, the Sub -Grantee shall be responsible to <br />ensure that the assignee or transferee of all or any portions of the Project shall properly staff, <br />operate and maintain all portions of the Project during its useful life and in compliance with this <br />Contract, the Grant Agreement, and all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations. <br />The Parties to this Contract understand and agree that this covenant shall survive the expiration or <br />termination of this Contract. The Parties further understand and agree that this covenant is for the <br />benefit of SAWPA and DWR and shall be enforceable during the useful life of the Project facilities. <br />Sub -Grantee shall prepare and maintain the Project Performance Monitoring Plan ("PPMP") <br />required by the Grant Agreement. DWR and SAWPA shall approve the PPMP prior to the <br />disbursement of grant funds for construction or monitoring activities. <br />Sub -Grantee shall not abandon, substantially discontinue use of, lease, or dispose of the Project, <br />including its construction, or any significant part or portion thereof, during the useful life of the <br />Project without SAWPA's and DWR's prior written approval. <br />SECTION 9. ASSIGNMENT <br />Neither this Contract, nor any duties or obligations under this Contract, nor any of the Project <br />facilities referenced in this Contract shall be assigned by any Party without the prior written consent <br />of the other Party. <br />Should an assignment or transfer occur, whenever SAWPA or the Sub -Grantee are named or <br />referred to herein, such reference shall be deemed to include the successor to the powers, duties <br />