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EXHIBIT 5 <br />If the Sub -Grantee proceeds to construction of such facilities, the final grant amount will be <br />determined in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. If the Sub -Grantee fails or <br />refuses to proceed with or complete the construction of facilities, SAWPA shall consider such <br />failure or refusal to be a material violation and breach of this Contract. SAWPA shall have all <br />rights and remedies as are otherwise available to it for breach of this Contract by the Sub - <br />Grantee. <br />If actual Project costs exceed the Project's estimated reasonable cost, SAWPA shall have no <br />obligation to provide grant funds for such exceedence. <br />Eligible Project costs include the reasonable costs of studies, engineering, design, land and <br />easement acquisition, legal fees, preparation of environmental documentation, environmental <br />mitigations, monitoring, project construction, and any other task set forth in Exhibit A of the <br />Grant Agreement. <br />Reimbursable administrative expenses are the necessary costs incidental but directly related to <br />the Project. <br />Costs not eligible for reimbursement or not eligible to be counted as local match include, but are <br />not limited to: <br />• Costs for work performed before the dates specified below. <br />• Costs for preparing and filing a grant application. <br />• Operation and maintenance costs, including post -construction performance and <br />monitoring costs. <br />• Purchase of equipment that is not an integral part of the Project. <br />• Establishing a reserve fund. <br />• Purchase of water supply. <br />• Replacement of existing funding sources for on -going programs. <br />• Support of existing agency requirements and/or mandates. <br />• Purchase of land in excess of the minimum required acreage necessary to operate as an <br />integral part of the Project, as set forth and detailed by engineering and feasibility <br />studies, or acquisition of land by eminent domain. <br />• Overhead and indirect costs not directly related to Project costs, such as generic <br />overhead or markup. <br />• Travel costs and per diem costs, unless allowed under Exhibit D, Item 46 of the Grant <br />Agreement. <br />• Mitigation for environmental impacts not resulting from implementation of the Project <br />funded by this program. <br />Work performed after January 1, 2015, are eligible to be counted as local match. Work <br />performed after June 2, 2020, are eligible for grant reimbursement. <br />SECTION 4. SCOPE OF WORK AND COMPLETION OF PROJECT <br />The Scope of Work is described in Exhibit A of the Grant Agreement. The Parties understand <br />that time is of the essence and agree to expeditiously proceed with and complete the Project. <br />