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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4A94-98CC-C2B16DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />Grant greemen o. 4600013842 <br />Page 63 of 71 <br />EXHIBIT F <br />REPORT FORMATS AND REQUIREMENTS <br />The following reporting formats should be utilized. Please obtain State approval prior to submitting a report in <br />an alternative format. <br />PROGRESS REPORTS <br />Progress reports shall generally use the following format. This format may be modified as necessary to <br />effectively communicate information. For each project, discuss the following at the task level, as organized in <br />Exhibit A: <br />• Percent complete (by work) <br />• Discussion of work accomplished during the reporting period. <br />• Milestones or deliverables completed/submitted during the reporting period. <br />• Meetings held or attended. <br />• Scheduling concerns and issues encountered that may delay completion of the task. <br />• Budget projections for grant share for the next two quarters <br />For each project, discuss the following at the oroiect level, as organized in Exhibit A: <br />• Work anticipated for the next reporting period. <br />• Photo documentation, as appropriate. <br />• Any schedule or budget modifications approved by DWR during the reporting period. <br />PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT <br />The Project Completion Report (or a Component Completion Report, if a Project has multiple Components) <br />shall generally use the following format provided below for each project after completion. <br />Executive Summary <br />The Executive Summary should include a brief summary of project information and include the following <br />items: <br />• Brief description of work proposed to be done in the original Grant application. <br />• List any official amendments to this Grant Agreement, with a short description of the amendment <br />Reports and/or Products <br />The following items should be provided, unless already submitted as a deliverable: <br />• A copy of any final technical report or study, produced for or utilized in this Project as described in the <br />Exhibit A <br />• Electronic copies of any data collected, not previously submitted <br />• Discussion of problems that occurred during the work and how those problems were resolved <br />• Final project schedule showing actual progress versus planned progress as shown in Exhibit C <br />