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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7DOD574C-B1E5-4A94-98CC-C2Bi6DDD7DC6 <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />Grant Agreement o.4600013842 <br />Page 64 of 71 <br />Additional information that may be applicable for implementation projects includes the following: <br />• Record drawings <br />• Final geodetic survey information <br />• Project photos <br />Cost & Disposition of Funds <br />A list showing: <br />• Summary of Project costs including the following items: <br />o Accounting of the cost of project expenditure; <br />o Include all internal and external costs not previously disclosed (i.e., additional cost share); and <br />o A discussion of factors that positively or negatively affected the project cost and any deviation from <br />the original Project cost estimate. <br />Additional Information <br />• Benefits derived from the Project, with quantification of such benefits provided. <br />• If applicable, Certification from a California Registered Professional (Civil Engineer or Geologist, as <br />appropriate), consistent with Exhibit D, that the project was conducted in accordance with the <br />approved Work Plan in Exhibit A and any approved amendments thereto. <br />• Submittal schedule for the Post -Performance Report. <br />GRANT COMPLETION REPORT <br />The Grant Completion Report shall generally use the following format. This format may be modified as <br />necessary to effectively communicate information on the various projects funded by this Grant Agreement, <br />and includes the following: <br />• Executive Summary: consisting of a maximum of ten (10) pages summarizing information for the grant as <br />well as the individual projects. <br />• Brief discussion of: each project completed and how they achieved IRWM Plan objectives and/or Regional <br />goals and whether the level, type, or magnitude of benefits of the project are comparable to the original <br />project proposal; any remaining work to be completed and mechanism for their implementation; the <br />benefits to DAC and/or EDA as part of this Grant Agreement if a DAC or EDA Cost Share Waiver was <br />approved for a project; and a summary of final funds disbursement for each project. <br />Additional Information: Summary of the submittal schedule for the Post -Performance Reports applicable for <br />the projects in this Grant Agreement. <br />POST -PERFORMANCE REPORT <br />The Post -Performance Report (PPR) should be concise and focus on how each project is performing <br />compared to its expected performance; whether the project is being operated and maintained and providing <br />intended benefits as proposed. A PPR template may be provided by the assigned DWR Grant Manager upon <br />request. The PPR should follow the general format of the template and provide requested information as <br />applicable. The following information, at a minimum, shall be provided: <br />Reports and/or products <br />• Header including the following: <br />o Grantee Name <br />o Implementing Agency (if different from Grantee) <br />o Grant Agreement Number <br />