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EXHIBIT 5 <br />SECTION 19. PROJECT CLOSEOUT DOCUMENTATION <br />To ensure that that the Project is closed out in a manner that provides an auditable file for SAWPA, <br />Sub -Grantee shall follow a close-out procedure that includes payment of all subcontracts, <br />completion of all punch lists, defects correction, satisfaction of warranty or guarantee issues, and <br />any other requirements for the completion of the scope of work. Such close-out procedures shall <br />include those procedures contained in the IRWM Grant Agreement or otherwise required by <br />SAWPA and DWR. <br />SECTION 20. POST -PERFORMANCE REPORTS <br />Post -Performance Reports shall be submitted to SAWPA within 75 calendar days after the first <br />operational year of the Project has elapsed. This record keeping and reporting process shall be <br />repeated annually for a total of three (3) years after the completed project begins operation. <br />SECTION 21. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS <br />(A) All groundwater projects and projects that include groundwater monitoring requirements <br />are consistent with the Groundwater Quality Monitoring Act of 2001. <br />(B) Projects that affect water quality shall include a monitoring component that allows the <br />integration of data into statewide monitoring efforts, including where applicable, the Surface <br />Water Ambient Monitoring Program administered by the State Water Resources Control Board. <br />(C) Groundwater quality and ambient surface water quality monitoring data that include <br />chemical, physical, or biological data shall be submitted to the State with a narrative description <br />of data submittal activities (included in project reports) as described below: <br />(1) Surface water quality monitoring data shall be prepared for submission to the <br />California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN). CEDEN data templates are <br />available on the CEDEN website (http://www.ceden.orq). Inclusion of additional data elements <br />described on the data templates is desirable. Data ready for submission should be uploaded to <br />the CEDEN Regional Data Center via the CEDEN website and a copy shall be given to <br />SAWPA. <br />(2) If Sub -Grantee's Work Plan contains a groundwater ambient monitoring element, <br />groundwater quality monitoring data shall be submitted to the State for inclusion in the State <br />Water Resources Control Board's Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) <br />Program. Information on the GAMA Program can be obtained at <br /> issues/proorams/gama. If further information is required, <br />the Sub -Grantee can contact the State Water Resources Control Board GAMA Program. A copy <br />of all data submitted shall be given to SAWPA. <br />(D) If groundwater level data is collected, Sub -Grantee must submit this data to DWR's <br />Water Data Library (WDL) with a narrative description of data submittal activities (included in <br />project reports). Information regarding the WDL and the format to submit the data in can be <br />found at: A dopy of all data submitted shall be given to SAWPA. <br />In the near future, DWR's WDL will be replaced by the California Statewide Groundwater <br />Elevation Monitoring program (CASGEM). Once this program comes online, Sub -Grantee will <br />