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City of Santa Ana <br />RFP: Homeless Services - Street Outreach and Engagement <br />Respondent team's financial strength and ability to raise private capital for the <br />proposed uses. <br />D. References. Include a list of at least two references from public agency partners with full <br />names, title, contact phone and email information, and identification of the projects. <br />II. Program Design and Outcomes — t30 points) <br />A. Program Description. Detailed narrative describing the proposed outreach and <br />engagement program and explaining how the organization will ensure that the <br />targeted populations can be served. Please make sure to address the following <br />information: <br />1) Continuum of Care System. Explain how the program will be integrated into <br />the larger Continuum of Care system. <br />2) HMIS. Describe organization's experience working in HMIS and your plan to <br />comply with HMIS requirements. <br />3) Permanent Housing. Describe how clients will be connected to permanent <br />affordable housing through the use of rapid rehousing or other systems. <br />4) Client Referral Process. Describe how referred clients will be linked with <br />other organizations and service providers in compliance with its use of the <br />Coordinated Entry System and to ongoing services, including physical and <br />behavioral health care and job readiness. <br />5) Types of Services. Describe the type of services to be provided including, but <br />not limited to: housing location and navigation, outreach and engagement, case <br />management, residential services, substance abuse counseling and crisis <br />intervention services. <br />6) Program Outcomes. Describe how program outcomes listed in the table will <br />be met. <br />7) Case Management. Describe the level and frequency of case management <br />and explain how these case management services will increase stability. <br />8) COVID-19. Describe modifications to address the pandemic. <br />18 <br />