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City of Santa Ana. <br />RFi". Homeless Services - Street Outreach and Engagement <br />III. Service Delivery Method and Staffina — (20 points) <br />A. Provide information detailing the proposed number of staff (FTE) for each program <br />service, coordination with substance abuse counselors/graduate students and <br />programs provided, management plan including hiring and training policies.. <br />B. Provide a Staff Responsibility Matrix. <br />IV. Organization Program Budget —(15 points) <br />A. Clearly identify the costs/uses associated with each service provided. <br />B. Provide line item cost of services including in -kind values. <br />V. Project Sustainability — (10 points) <br />A. Narrative description addressing the sustainability of the project. <br />Vl. Required Exhibits and Attachments <br />Respondent shall complete and return the following Exhibits attached herewith: <br />• Exhibit A - Contractor's Statement <br />• Exhibit B - Certification of Nondiscrimination <br />• Exhibit C - Non -Collusion Affidavit <br />Respondent shall submit the following attachments: <br />• 501 c(3) letter and evidence in good standing for each partner <br />• Two years of audited financial statements (including management letters) <br />• Minimum of two (2) references associated with current homeless shelter contracts <br />• Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with Third Party Organizations (if applicable) <br />• Organizational Chart, including key staffing for the proposed project <br />• Staff Resumes & Job Descriptions <br />Please include any additional information you deem essential to a proper evaluation of your <br />proposal and which is not solicited in any of the preceding sections. Creative and innovative <br />ideas can be addressed through -out the proposal. Applicants are cautioned this does not <br />constitute an invitation to submit large amounts of extraneous material; appendices should be <br />relevant and brief. <br />19 <br />