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EM <br />2021-2022 Santa Ana Homeless Street Outreach Diversion Pilot Scope of Work <br />• Support client autonomy <br />Continuum of Care Participation <br />Since the inception of our work in Santa Ana in 2016 (when we were contracted to offer meals, <br />supportive services and case management at the Courtyard in a county contract), City Net has been a <br />full participant in the Orange County Continuum of Care (CoC). <br />City Net staff are regular participants in CoC Coordinated Entry System (CES) case conferencing <br />meetings, data committee meetings, street outreach and engagement committee meetings, among <br />others. <br />In addition, City Net Chief Program Officerlessica Bruce co-chairs the COC Street Outreach Committee, <br />and City Net Executive Vice President Matt Bates is an elected member of the CoC Board of Directors, <br />and an appointee to the Systems, Policies and Procedures committee and is a CoC Board of Directors <br />representative on the Commission to End Homelessness, <br />HMIS <br />All clients in this proposed project will be entered Into/screened through the Orange County Homeless <br />Management Information System (HMIS) and, as appropriate for prospective candidates, the <br />Coordinated Entry System (CES). City Net staff are trained in these systems, and our written policies and <br />procedures state their work must be coordinated through these systems. <br />In addition to assuring that resources flow to the most vulnerable homeless individuals (through CES), <br />these systems also provide a safeguard against duplication of services because we can see in HMIS what <br />other services and benefits the client is receiving, as well as the agency who may be providing these <br />services. Our case managers and housing navigators are trained to reach out to their counterparts at <br />these other agencies to confirm provision of services, to case conference, and to clarify any questions <br />around potential duplication. <br />Of relevance to this proposal, in Orange County, City Net has provided assessments and intakes to <br />thousands of clients in partnership with the county, including in the following projects: <br />• Orange County Flood Control Channel (outreach, engagement, bridge housing) <br />• Courtyard Transitional Center (case management, connections to housing) <br />• HEAP/HDAP (outreach and engagement, assessments, housing) <br />• Santa Ana Armory (shelter operations, case management) <br />Permanent Housins <br />Case managers link clients to the Coordinated Entry System (CES) to provide ongoing engagement, <br />document collection, and case management services to facilitate a match to an appropriate permanent <br />City Net — Local Field Office: 2030 E. 4th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705 <br />