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V City Net <br />2021-2022 Santa Ana Homeless Street Outreach Diversion Pilot Scope of Work <br />'Outreach Contacts reflect the number of Interactlons for the specific purpose of reaching out to unsheltered homeless <br />neighbors in a process of building trust and offering supporttoward the long-term goal of connecting them with emergency <br />shelter, housing, or critical services; and providing urgent, non -facility -based care. These activities are intended to help <br />homeless neighbors to obtain appropriate supportive services, Including assistance in obtaining permanent housing, medical <br />health treatment, mental health treatment, counseling, supervision, and other services essential for achieving independent <br />living; housing stability case management; and other Federal, State, local, or private assistance available to assist the <br />program participant in obtaining housing stability. This number can be duplicated in any given reporting period, <br />COVID-19 Engagements reflect the number of Interactions by City Net's street outreach and engagement staff to ensure that <br />unsheltered homeless neighbors have access to services and updated information about COVID-19, by working to: <br />• Provide Information to educate people about CoVID-19: where they can get tested, how It spreads, health impacts, <br />common symptoms, and other features of the disease. <br />• Use health messages and materials developed by credible public health sources, such as local and state public health <br />departments or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). <br />• Provide educational materials about COVID-19 for non-English speakers, those with low literacy or intellectual <br />disabilities, and people who are hearing or vision impaired. <br />• Ensure communication with clients about changes in homeless services policies and/or changes in physical location of <br />services such as food, water, hygiene facilities, regular healthcare, and behavioral health resources. <br />• Provide health and hygiene interventions: <br />o Recommend that all clients wear masks any time they are around other people, noting exceptions such as <br />young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or Is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise <br />unable to remove the mask without assistance. <br />o Provide clients with hygiene materials Including items such as hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo, cleansing wipes, <br />socks, blankets, non-perishable snacks, bottled water, sunscreen, gloves, toothbrush, toothpaste, and other <br />items depending on client needs. <br />o Discourage clients from spending time in crowded places or gathering in large groups, for example at locations <br />where food, water, or hygiene supplies are being distributed. <br />o If it is not possible for clients and staff to avoid crowded places, encourage spreading out (at least 6 feet <br />between people) to the extent possible. <br />• Encourage proper waste disposal to prevent spread of disease and minimize risk. <br />• Continue providing linkages to homeless services, housing, medical, mental health, and substance use treatment, <br />including provision of medicatlon-assisted therapies. <br />• Maintain up-to-date contact Information and areas frequented for each person. <br />• Coordinate, integrate, and leverage resources to maximize impact of services for individuals who are experiencing <br />homelessness, <br />• Engage individuals and families not yet working with a CES Partner Agency, with a primary focus on unsheltered <br />families and Individuals In encampments. <br />• Conduct frequent visits to encampments known to have persons experiencing homelessness throughout the city. <br />• Record all assessments and subsequent services in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Enter and <br />maintain timely and complete client data. <br />• Link clients to the Coordinated Entry System (CES) to provide ongoing engagement, document collection, and case <br />management services to facilitate a match to an appropriate housing resource. <br />• Case Management in the context of CES, which is voluntary and client -centered, with the goal of identifying strengths <br />and client -directed goals, while promoting health, recognition, and well-being with a focus on linking the client to a <br />permanent housing resource and providing the necessary services needed to promote housing stability. <br />City Net-- Local Field Office; 2030 E. 41^ Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705 <br />12 <br />