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L. Stability and Maneuverability. The Carts shall be stable and self - <br />balancing in the upright position, when either empty or loaded to its maximum design <br />capacity with an evenly distributed load, and with the lid in either a closed or open <br />position. <br />The Carts shall be capable of maintaining an upright position in sustained or gusting <br />winds of up to 25 miles per hour as applied from any direction. <br />The Carts shall be capable of being easily moved and maneuvered, with an evenly <br />distributed load equal in weight to its maximum design capacity on a level, sloped or <br />stepped surface. <br />M. Lid Performance. Cart lid assemblies shall meet the following minimum <br />requirements: <br />Prevent damage to the Cart body, the lid itself or any component parts <br />through repeated opening and closing of the lid by residents or in the <br />dumping process as intended; <br />Remain closed in winds up to 25 miles per hour from any direction. All lid <br />hinges must remain fully functional and continually hold the lid in the <br />original designed and intended positions when either opened or closed or any <br />position between the two extremes; and, <br />Lid shall be designed and constructed such that it prevents physical injury to <br />the user while opening and closing the Container. <br /> Cart Reparability or Replacement <br />Contractor shall be responsible for Cart repair and maintenance, and replacing lost, <br />stolen or damaged Carts within two (2) business days of notification (excluding <br />Saturday, Sunday and holidays listed in Section 4.7.1), at no additional charge to the <br />Customer or to City, unless Contractor can demonstrate to the Executive Director that <br />the damage or loss was due exclusively to the Customer's intentional or wanton <br />destruction. Executive Director shall make the final determination. All repairs must <br />restore the Cart to its full functionality. If City permits a Cart replacement charge to be <br />assessed against Customer, Contractor may charge the Customer the Cart Replacement <br />Fee in the approved rate schedule. Unsightly/worn-out/broken Carts shall be replaced <br />by Contractor upon Customer request at no additional cost to Customer. <br />August 17, 2021 77 City of Santa Ana <br />