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NS-3019 - Repealing and Reenacting in its Entirety Article XVIII.I of Chapter 41 of he Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Housing Opportunity Ordinance
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2022 (NS-3014 - NS-3035)
NS-3019 - Repealing and Reenacting in its Entirety Article XVIII.I of Chapter 41 of he Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Housing Opportunity Ordinance
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4/20/2022 4:37:00 PM
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4/20/2022 4:32:13 PM
City Clerk
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at a rate of one and one-half (1'h) habitable square feet per each required habitable <br />square foot of inclusionary units. <br />(3) Rehabilitated units within a designated target area. Upon application, the <br />developer may satisfy the inclusionary unit requirements for the project, in whole or in <br />part by substantially rehabilitating existing housing units elsewhere within the borders of <br />the city at a rate of one habitable square foot per each required habitable square foot of <br />affordable inclusionary units. <br />(c) In -lieu fee. <br />(1) Five (5) or more units. For a residential project comprised of five (5) or more <br />residential lots or residential units, the developer may elect to satisfy the inclusionary unit <br />requirements for the project, in whole or in part, by payment of a fee in -lieu of constructing <br />some or all of the required units. The total amount of the fee allowed by this section shall <br />be calculated using the In -Lieu Fee Schedule in section 41-1904(c)(1)(i) multiplied by the <br />sum total of the number of habitable square feet within the entire project, as measured <br />from the exterior walls of the residential units. This calculation does not include exterior <br />hallways, common areas, landscape, open space or exterior stairways. <br />(i) In -Lieu Fee Schedule <br />Units/Lots <br />Fee Per Square Foot of <br />Habitable Area <br />5-9 <br />$6.00 <br />10 —14 <br />$9.00 <br />15-19 <br />$12.00 <br />20 or more <br />$15.00 <br />(ii) Local Skilled and Trained Workforce. The use of a local skilled and <br />trained workforce shall be phased in over time and shall only apply to a development <br />project proposing twenty (20) or more lots or units opting to exercise the in -lieu fee <br />payment option. The implementation of this subsection shall be phased as follows: <br />(A) Between November 16, 2021 and December 31, 2025, a <br />project proposing twenty (20) or more lots or units exercising the option to pay the $15 <br />per square foot in -lieu fee amount shall not be required to utilize a local skilled and trained <br />workforce for completing the construction of the project. However, this fee shall be <br />reduced if the developer provides the City with an executed enforceable commitment to <br />use a "Skilled and Trained Workforce" as defined in Public Contract Code section 2601 <br />to complete the construction of the project as specified in the table below: <br />Use of Skilled and Trained Fee Per Square Foot of <br />Workforce Habitable Area <br />Ordinance No. NS-3019 <br />Page 8 of 17 <br />
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