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30% of workforce utilizing <br />2 or more construction <br />$10.00 <br />trades <br />60% of workforce utilizing <br />3 or more construction <br />$5.00 <br />trades <br />minimum of 20% of the above work -hours shall be <br />performed in accordance with local hire policies <br />approved by the City Council. <br />(B) Effective January 1, 2026 and thereafter, a project proposing <br />twenty (20) or more lots or units exercising the option to pay the $15 per square foot in - <br />lieu fee amount shall be required to provide the City with an executed enforceable <br />commitment that 30 percent of the workforce utilized to complete the construction of the <br />project be derived from a "Skilled and Trained Workforce" as defined in Public Contract <br />Code section 2601; and that a minimum of 35 percent of the required skilled and trained <br />workforce total work -hours shall be performed in accordance with local hire policies <br />approved by the City Council. This fee shall be reduced when the developer commits to <br />a higher utilization level as specified in the table below: <br />Use of Skilled and Trained <br />Fee Per Square Foot of <br />Workforce <br />Habitable Area <br />60% of workforce <br />$10.00 <br />90% of workforce <br />$5.00 <br />A minimum of 35% of the above work -hours shall be <br />performed in accordance with local hire policies <br />approved by the City Council. <br />(2) Timing of payment. The total fee amount for the entirety of a project is <br />calculated, determined, and set at the time of issuance of the first building permit for the <br />project. All in -lieu fees allowed by this section shall be paid no later than prior to issuance <br />of the first occupancy approval for any construction which adds net residential units. If <br />the city approves a phased project, a proportional share of the required fee shall be paid <br />within each phase of the residential project. The in -lieu fees collected by the city are city <br />funds over which the city has complete and absolute discretion. <br />(3) Inclusionary housing fund. Fees collected in compliance with this section <br />shall be deposited in the inclusionary housing fund. <br />Ordinance No. NS-3019 <br />Page 9 of 17 <br />