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Correspondence - #16
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
06/07/2022 Regular & HA
Correspondence - #16
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6/15/2022 2:57:19 PM
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6/6/2022 12:53:44 PM
City Clerk
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FINDINGS <br />Survey <br />The results from the survey highlighted several key findings related to the demographics and <br />HIV/STD health care needs and barriers ofthe TGNC community of Orange County. At least 280/0 <br />of respondents were uncomfortable disclosing their citizenship status, zi% reported having <br />multiple sex partners, 7 % had not tested for HIV due to feeling healthy, and so% did not know <br />their HIV status. <br />Several survey respondents (10.3%) reported a need to seek care and treatment in neighboring <br />counties, such as Los Angeles. Based on responses about overall satisfaction with services in the <br />county, the following were top reasons noted for why services in Orange County may not meet <br />participant's needs: inconvenient hours of operation, staff not being welcoming or helpful, <br />communication/language barriers, and lack of sensitivity in using appropriate pronouns. <br />More than half of respondents would like to have behavioral health services offered and would <br />like to learn more about gender affirmation surgery. <br />Limitations of the survey include a small sample, as only zg individuals completed the survey <br />during the HIV prevention education event. Recruitment for attendance was in collaboration <br />with the Alianza Translatinx community based organization. Furthermore, participants were <br />predominately monolingual Spanish speaking (go%) and reported being transgender females <br />(76%). Thus, findings from the survey may not be applicable to other TGNC populations in <br />Orange County. <br />Focus Groups <br />Focus groups provided further insight into the HIV/STD service needs and barriers to care <br />identified through the survey, as well as input from the community about different ways to <br />increase access to care and improve delivery of services in Orange County. Many participants <br />reported feeling they were treated well, with respect, and were given adequate care and <br />attention. Participants reported satisfaction with services being provided utilizing a sliding fee <br />scale, improved wait times (compared to wait times when accessing services in years past), and <br />appreciation when test results were provided by a doctor (as opposed to other healthcare <br />provider staff who participants did not esteem as highly). Some participants reported receiving <br />bus passes and assistance with transportation. There was also an overwhelming amount of <br />feedback regarding the support and trust for Alianza Translatinx and the need to access <br />healthcare services in Los Angeles. e <br />zz <br />Vlr <br />�l <br />
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