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APPENDIX B <br />Focus Group Guide <br />Different Points of View <br />In this focus group session, there are no wrong answers, just different points of view. <br />Please feel free to share your feedback even if it differs from what others have said. We <br />are looking for as many points of view as possible. <br />Confidentiality <br />In terms of confidentiality, we want to ensure this is a safe space for you to share your <br />thoughts and suggestions. Your name will not be used in any way, including notes or <br />summary. While we will record comments, we will not record who said them. We will <br />maintain complete confidentiality. <br />General Guidelines for Group Discussions <br />i) Confidentiality is assured. No names will be attached to comments. <br />2) There are no right or wrong answers —just ideas, experiences, and opinions, which <br />are all valuable. It is important for us to hear everyone's ideas and opinions. <br />3) All contributions are respected —do you have anything to add? <br />4) It is important to hear all sides of an issue— both negative and positive, please do not <br />interrupt. <br />Questions <br />i. On a five -point scale, where "i" is very dissatisfied and "5" is very satisfied, how satisfied <br />are you with HIV care and prevention services in Orange County? <br />2. How do you feel about available HIV/STD Health Care Services in Orange County? <br />3. What is your comfort level with receiving HIV/STD health care from providers in Orange <br />County? <br />4. What barriers to care have you experienced/are you experiencing? <br />5. What additional services and resources would make you feel supported in getting the <br />care you need? <br />Me <br />