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FROM THE DESK OF VICTOR D MENDEZ (RET) VDM <br />HAND DELIVERED & EMAILED <br />JUNE 7, 2022 <br />Hon. Vincent Sarmiento, Mayor of Santa Ana <br />CC: Members of the Santa Ana City Council <br />City Hall <br />Santa Ana, CA <br />RE: PROPOSED FY 2022-2023 BUDGET AMENDMENTS <br />Dear Mr. Mayor: <br />I appreciated the time you and Ms. Downs spent with me to inform and discuss the current FY 2023 budget. I am <br />especially grateful to Ms. Downs for taking the time from a very busy schedule to provide enlightenment and <br />transparency for a better -informed citizenry. <br />What follows is the result of those conversations and my own research. <br />RESTORE $3.0 MILLION IN CANNIBAS FUNDING FOR YOUTH AND OTHER SERVICES <br />Restore $3.0 million in Cannabis Tax Revenue to our Youth <br />• The current proposal places emphasis on police and code enforcement where experience suggests that such <br />funding is unwarranted. <br />• Chief Valentin's budget literally takes funding from vulnerable children at a time when they need it most to <br />fund overtime and excess expenditures such as $160,000 for one body camera <br />• Code Enforcement staffing allocates 60%of their code officers to Cannabis <br />ENFORCEMENT CHARGES FY 22 FY 23 DIFFERENCE YoY DIFF <br />SANTA ANA PD $1,608,000 $4,586,610 $2,978,610 185% <br />CODE ENFORCEMENT $978,000 $1,383,270 $405,270 41% <br />FINANCE $359,000 $361,000 $2,000 1% <br />CAN NIBAS TAX REVENUES $20,900,000 $22,200,000 $1,300,000 6% <br />(FORECASTED FOR FY) <br />AVAILABLE FOR SERVICES $17,236,000 $15,330,120 ($1,905,880) -11% <br />