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REDUCE POLICE OVERTIME BY $1.2 MILLION <br />• Eliminate PAL Overtime Revenue - PAL has no budget for overtime and officers should be volunteering their <br />time to PAL not getting paid as much as $75 per hour. <br />Reduce overtime in the Police Field Operations budget to $1.5 million. This is double the amount budgeted <br />in 2019 and with $330,000 in expected revenue offsets to Overtime the Department can incur up to $1.8 <br />million with no budget overrun <br />TRANSFER $500,000 FROM THE EQUIPMENT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND TO GENERAL FUND <br />The Equipment Maintenance Fund currently has a balance of nearly $6.0 million. This represents unused <br />general revenue and contributions from other funds, such as the water fund, accumulated over time. <br />The Fund should operate under a break-even approach with excess money typically going back to the <br />General and other contributing Funds <br />The Council should request a full presentation on the status of the Fund following the close of FY 2022. <br />DELAY TRANSFERING $7.7 MILLION TO THE PENSION TRUST FUND UNTIL THE CalPERS BILL HAS BEEN <br />RECEIVED <br />CalPers lowered their discount rate to 6.8% and the City will owe CalPERS additional contributions in FY <br />2023. <br />• The actual amount due to CalPERS for additional contributions has not been recognized <br />• Council should provide authority to staff to pay the additional contributions due and then report back to the <br />Council on any excess contribution from the general, water, and other funds. <br />• Council is in a better position to make the best decision on the most current information for the sake of <br />general fund services <br />• Once the transfer of funds to the Pension Trust, the rules for transfers back are very restrictive <br />POLICE COMMISSION STRUCTURE <br />Structures recommended by the ACLU, Kennedy Commission, and other are based on entities where the <br />metrics are as much as lox greater than the City of Santa Ana <br />• Start lean and build best practices over time and then evaluate for a more permanent <br />• structure <br />• The goal is oversight and accountability not artificial bureaucracy <br />• Preserve our taxes to meet the future challenges for FY 2030 <br />• Santa Ana complaints run 40/yr. vs 500/yr. and 400/yr. in Seattle and Portland <br />