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DocuSign Envelope ID: D9400988-4042-408F-A8FD-5AC4CB5A4BCF <br />City of Santa Ana <br />JP1012 <br />Exhibit D(1) California Volunteers Reporting Requirements, Invoicing, and <br />Specific Requirements and Terms and Conditions <br />Californians ForAll Youth Jobs Corps Program <br />State Fiscal Recovery Funds <br />This program leverages 100% State Fiscal Recovery Funds. Grantees leveraging <br />this funding are required to follow specific terms and conditions, reporting <br />requirements, guidance, etc. associated with these funds. The requirements for <br />the use of these funds are incorporated in their entirety through the inclusion of <br />the links to specific resource pages in this Exhibit (see below). This includes links <br />and attachments referenced on the following pages. <br />Resources: <br />• Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: <br />https://home.treasu[ <br />local-and-tribal-governments/state-and-local-fiscal-recovery-funds <br />• State Fiscal Recovery Fund: <br />19/State Fiscal Recovery Fund/ <br />• State Fiscal Recovery Fund Reporting Portal: <br />httr)s:// <br />19/State Fiscal Recovery Fund Reporting Portal/ <br />Through execution of the contract, grantees agree to follow the rules, guidance, <br />regulations, and terms and conditions as outlined in the above links, as well as <br />any other requirements and policies outlined throughout the exhibits of the <br />executed contract. <br />