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(2) Any loss, cost =or expanse arising out of <br />any,. <br />(a) Request,, demand, order or statutory or <br />regulatory requirement :that any .insured <br />or Others toot for, mdnitbr., clean up, ra- <br />Ize, gr In any way rgspond to, or assess <br />t(ie effopta, ot,:"pgllutant5":"or <br />(4) Chaim or "suit" by or trh behalf Of at gay- <br />prtfinentai authority for darrlogos "bq <br />cause ofieArigfor," moriitodng, cleaning <br />ud, rerriovirio, containing, treating, d&A <br />to tifyipg or 'ne00,0114ii or fit any Way <br />res�Ooding to j or as66blfiA the pfreats <br />of, Poll P10, , <br />However, th($ pa'ragM h,cloes not apply, to <br />,aos,ence;ot sucn request, demana,,-order or <br />,statutory Or re ulatdry requirement, Orsudi <br />clairii, or 'atilt" jr.,or on behalf (ifa gOvprn- <br />mental autfio�. <br />0. Aircraft; Auto Or ytlatercraft <br />13odily injury" or "property damage" adsing out <br />of the Ownership; ;rnainfishonda, use or bb- <br />trustnlpntto pthel5 ofanyafrOfaI'L ",auto":orWa- <br />feroraft awnoq or operated, tip o! tarried or <br />tc angel to any hisu.rert Use ir�efudes operatlon <br />and"loadingyor,,unloadIn, ". <br />This exclusion applies even if the .ofalms <br />against any ensured allege negjfgenoe. or other <br />wronddoinot in the su66rvtsior7c, Mrina..emblov- <br />aoalty injury" or "ptopprly damsge" Inrfatved <br />the ownership, maintenance, use or gntmst- <br />ment to others of any.aircraft '"auto" or water <br />draft that is owned'OrKopor'stOd' by -or rented or <br />loaned toany Insured., <br />Thhs.exciusich does :not apply to <br />(1) A watercraft while ashore on premises you <br />Own or rent, <br />(2) Awatercraff you do not own that ls, <br />(a) L2as:than 26 fleet Tong`;and <br />#b) blot being used to carry persons or <br />property fora.Gtlnrge; <br />(3) Parlrlrig an "autd" 04" or on the; Ways next <br />to .Promrsps you, own or rent, provf0e0 the <br />,.ahtp'' is not owned by or rented or"loaned <br />to you orthe nsured; <br />(4) Liability assumed under anry <br />ct" <br />"insured' con- <br />traforfhe ownership, maintenance or <br />use of airdrafl drwafereraft; or <br />(6) `'Bodily injury", or "property damage" arfsing <br />out of; <br />(a) The operation ,of machinery or pquhp, <br />ment that is -attached to, or, part of a <br />land vehicle thatWould quality under jh <br />definition of "rndbife equipment' it It -we're, <br />not subjeo� tO a,compulsory•or dnaricia) <br />responsibi ity taw 'or other motor vehicle <br />Insurance law in the- state where If is It- <br />ceased Orprtnclpalty garaged;=or <br />(4) theapsraticn,ofanyof3herpachtnely.or <br />aquiprtient listed in Paragraph C(,2) or <br />1`5(3) Of the definitiOn; of "irobile equip- <br />meat". <br />h. Mobile Equipmdtit <br />�Todity`ihiury" nor "property damage°4adsing out <br />of <br />(1) The transportation of"inobtleequipment" by <br />an "auto" owned or one?rated by,or rented or <br />idanodta any Wish Te * <br />(2) The urge,of-`mObtle erjulprtient"-in, or while <br />In pradtKOJOr, dr'wbye being proparedjdf, <br />any prearranged raging speed, Oemplition,: <br />or, Sfuntr`,ng actcyity, <br />L Wair <br />'Bodily injury" or "property damage", however <br />caused, arising, directly dr rndtrpctly, outbf;; <br />(1) StUar; incuding undeclared OrciAl War;, <br />(2) llliarlike action by:a�military force; including <br />actioliin, Firideringor-defefidifio:40 tristan' <br />actual or,02p6OJad attack:, by any govern- <br />pipnt, 8Ovet`aign or ot}tor authority using <br />nrflary persanngi "or other agent , or <br />O insurrection, rebellion, revolution, usurped <br />power, or actlgrt takers 6y44vernmpntal au <br />thortfy lh hinderiing, or --defending against any <br />Ofthdse. <br />j. Oamage T4 `Proporty <br />"Proparly, damage" to; <br />(1) Propettyyou-awn, rant or oodupy iacluding <br />any posts or pxppnses jncurreti :by you, OF <br />any other person, organization, pr entity, for <br />repair, replacement, enhancement,, restore, <br />tl6n or maintenance of such property :for <br />any reason., i]rOludinl) preventio t of tniiiry td <br />a poison ar;:damage tq anatner',s'property; <br />(2) Premisesybu tieil,?giue away Orabandon, if <br />the "property dardage" arises out of any <br />part of those premises; <br />(3) Property/ loaned to you; <br />(4) Peisonol property in the carer custody cor <br />WrArol of fne insured; <br />Atsvgcivm ere. <br />RizkfMlu9rntnf OEfke1NM <br />Page 4 of It a 160 Properties, inc., 2006 ,,. 1—,,, <br />