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k. <br />M. <br />Pr That particular ;part of real property on <br />which you or any contractors or subcontract <br />tors working directly or indirectly on your <br />behalf ire perfomting operations, if the <br />"property, damoue" arises Out of those op� <br />eraficns; or <br />(0) That particular pact of any property that <br />must iie restareet repaifred`prrepjaceci pa. <br />cause "jour work" was incorrectly per- <br />forted on it. <br />Paragraph (2) oi'ftiis exclusion does notapply <br />ifthe promisas ate'ryour wotP and were no vat <br />o`ocupi'ad, ranted or field for'r,.ental by ybo, <br />Pdragraphd 11j, (4), (s) and .(6) of this, exdiu+ <br />$ion do not apply to liability ..4iiiU Oed under a <br />sidetrack ag'raehiraht,: <br />'Paragraph (6) of this a)kclirsidn: dons notapply <br />to "p-operty damage" [4cll4ded ih the."prcd60-' $- <br />completed operations hazard". <br />namage'TO Your Product <br />"Propetfydama(je" to your product" arising out <br />ofit br-arty parr bfft. <br />Damage-TvYbtir Work, <br />"Property..damage'cr'yourwork' arising outof' <br />it or anypan df•itand included in the"produdts= <br />completed opafatio 7$ hazard". <br />This exclusion does not apply If the damaged <br />work ortho',Wbrk out of Whjch'the d0inagO,:A6$- <br />e0 was periawnrad .on your behalf by a sut3cori- <br />trootor <br />Oarnege To Impaired Property.Qr Property <br />lygt Physically injured <br />roparty datna�aW' to "impaired properly" or <br />proparty ixhaf has not teen physloAlty iniurad, <br />ar'ising,grut pf: <br />(1) A defaot deficiendy, Inadequacy pr danger= <br />gas 500 It= '_n "Your product" or '".your <br />work";-Ar <br />(2) A delay or fallore -by you or anyone acting <br />on your behalf to perform a contract or <br />Agreement in acdordance;.with its teirns; <br />This exclusion does not apply to the loss of use <br />of other property arising out of sudden and ace <br />cidental physical injury to "Your product" or <br />"your work' after it ha's been put to �its.intended_ <br />use,. <br />it. Recall Of Products, Work Or lrflpafred <br />Property <br />Darhapes diairned for any lossr cost or ex- <br />pepse i, tnrert;by yoqu". or Others, for ii loss of <br />usa, y ithdraWat, recalfr ldspacftgot repair, te- <br />pfacement,:adjustmenTpre'moval ordisposal of <br />(1j "Yourprbduct" <br />14 "Your Work' of., <br />.(�} "[mpairad properly"; <br />if such product;, work or ;property is withdrawn <br />:or recalled from the ri�arket offrolh use by any <br />13er$0n or o(ganiYAU'do bed4use, of a know7n or <br />suspooted. defoGt, deficiency, inod.dgtrady or <br />dangerous condition in ft. <br />0» ParSgnal.An( Advertising Injury' <br />"Bodily injury";arising out l"Of "personal and ad <br />ver,,tfsairginjurX", <br />p, tlactroniG"Data <br />Darn6ges arising out of the loss of4 foss of use; <br />of,:dainage to, , propfioli-rot inahtllty to adc,ass, <br />or it 4tiI11 y10 McOjp6)Ata .eleptro6ic data. <br />As used fi this exctdsiont„ :etedtronio data <br />means infor'niaron; fact$;or programs ptoreu as <br />Ives, cells, data procr <br />ther Media Which are <br />controlled equipftaoit. <br />4. Distribution Of Material in Violation Of <br />Statute$ <br />„Bodily injury" or "property damage" `arising di- <br />rogtly, Qr iirdi"redly out of any action or omiss%on <br />thafuiolates oils atlegad'to violates <br />(1) The Telephone- Consulter Proteption Act <br />(T6P& inclpding any amendment of :or <br />addition tp such law- or <br />(2) The 0AH-t>PAM.Ac1 of 2001, including any <br />AMe.gdrrlpot gf`or addit np to sycl 'taw,:pr <br />(3) ) rry statute, �ofdl tanoe Of regulation, other <br />f4pn the TORA or 0AN. $PA,M Ant of 2003, <br />that prohibits or limits tan he sending, trsmit= <br />ting, cornmunicating:or distribution at rnate- <br />vial orinformatlon.. <br />w,kM,".q�rnnasn <br />ar � _ firVeafrv�8t;. <br />y <br />CGO0A,11 07 Q.ISOProperfts, Inc.,2008; <br />