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Exgl'uslons c, through n, do not apply to damage <br />by fire to premises white rented to you or tempo- <br />rarily,ocaupied by You ,With pemilssion of the own- <br />0.,A separate limmit of, flrsuranoe applies to this, <br />cbsreralie as described, in ;Section lit - Urhits Of <br />Insurzjnce <br />'COVERAO B p R84NAI AND, AID1 WIR ING <br />7NdU . Y LIAPiutY <br />i. Insuring Agreement <br />a.. We wilt pay these sums that 'the insured Jae - <br />2. <br />any `"sUtt!' seeking those dam4ges. ;However; <br />rya will -,have no duty, to tiorio "the. Insured_ <br />against any,"suit"" ° eki-11"ng 1"atnages fur'_'^per <br />sonar and fpdverthilng hijury" t4 wJatokr fhis !n- <br />surance does nof,apply, e may dt our�disere- <br />tidier i'nvo6t(gate any 6ifense arid, settle Any <br />bCalid.or"suit" that r>jsyfe; ult,, RUVI <br />('i) The amount we will pay P& dama'geb as <br />limit0d as described in eeetion Inkin its <br />Dflnsutance; and <br />(2) Dur right dnd duty` to defend end whOn we <br />have . ssd up the applicable lin 4 of rlisur- <br />,anoe :I) the paymeni of judgments _oy set- <br />tlaments, under coverages A -or or, tnedi. <br />aatexpensesunder Coverage C. <br />No pli or �:obliggtlbg or Ilabil(ty to, pay sums or <br />perform acts or services is covered unless ex- <br />phcitiy pedv1d'ed for under Supplemdntery, Pay- <br />jrrpnts= Cbv000(ges # and.6, <br />b. This insurance applies to 'personal and adver- <br />trsrn10 injuiry" roaused by an uf.f0n0 arising .out <br />of your busini ss but only ,if the,offense `Was <br />„mntM ed itt the "coverage 1efTitory"during the <br />policy period, <br />Bxclustans, <br />'this insurahcs does not apply tc <br />a. KndWingvididtlon Of Rights Of Another <br />"Personal and advertising'Injury" caused by or <br />at the rtirectidh ,of, the Insured With the <br />knowledge that the act weuld -Violate. the;rights <br />of `pn6thi r ah(. would Inflict "personal aril ad- <br />verdising injury'" <br />k+ Material .p.ublished'W ih KmgWledg$ Of <br />Falsity= <br />"Personal and advertising injury' edsing out of <br />,raj or written publication of rnatedat, If done by <br />or at the directio'n ct the insured` -wit-9 <br />knowledge of its falsity. <br />c, Material Published Prior'To Policy Perfad <br />"Porsonat gild advertising injury" ads'r`ng out of <br />Drat or written, publioation 'of material whose <br />frst,pAllication took place before the tieginning <br />of the policy period. <br />d. Crlminai Acts <br />"Personal and advedising injury" afising,out of <br />a criminal act committed by -or at the direction <br />oftnelnsured. <br />e. 'Confractual Liability _ <br />"Pemprtat and adveritaing Injury" for'whictl the <br />insured .has assumed lfabiiity In a .contract or <br />agr'eemurit, This exclusion does not:applyto Its <br />ability4d rdamages that the insured Would Nava, <br />In the abs'erice of the oohffact oragr0eiir0ot. <br />f. Breach,01 CDtitract <br />"Personal and' advertising injury"' arising out of <br />a breach of contract, dk6ept an Implied don- <br />"tract to ,Use 0goth00 advetising Idea In your <br />"adaertlsamant"', <br />g. QOiallt_y,Qf <br />twonrPormmn6�CfGoad .-Failare <br />To form Tb Statomoots: <br />Personal'Ohd advoltieing injury" nrisn,g out of <br />the. iarlure of .goods, prijdC{at o services trs <br />oonfsirtn. with any staterflont. of .quality, or •per <br />fou�lanGp made irr.your`•advertisemerst":: <br />b. Wooing Description Of-Pr)0es <br />`Personal and advertising Injury" drising.npt of <br />the Vr,ng.'dese 1piloq'of the prlce:of goods, <br />prad_uc�s or services stated irr y4irr ",'adver[lse- <br />menPr <br />11 <br />i. Infr(ngement Of, Copyright, Patent, <br />Trademarli of Trade Secret <br />"Personal and advertising injury"` arising' Dui of <br />the infringement of copyrrght`,, patent, trade- <br />mark, trade secret orother,160ldotual property, <br />dghts hers Undetthis dxc[06n, such oth te iblelioo <br />tuel,'droperty rights :do- not tnGtik& t use of <br />anotadvertising Idea in ,your "advettise- <br />Hpwoypr, this. excluston (foes not Apply to <br />fringument, in _your "'advoglsempnfr`s .of copy- <br />right,,.trade dress or slogan. <br />j. Insureds In'Mediq And. lriternet Type, <br />Businesses <br />"Personal and, advertising injury" rtommiffetl by <br />an"I'nsured whose business1s> <br />,(I) Advertising, broadcasting, publishing or <br />telecasftng, <br />(2) t].esigning of determining content of web <br />sites for others;, or <br />warir�, <br />anrra�,vmar; <br />a i �taguow <br />'rr "rteney�,rcvar�raac <br />.Page 6 of 46 0 ISO;Peapertles, Ino., 2006 <br />