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2. Exclusions <br />f, Prajudgment jnterert awardad against the <br />vlte Wilt net pay exponsos for "bodily injury"" <br />insured on that -part of the judgmentwe pay,- If <br />a. Any Insured <br />we ltrakei on offer to pay the applicable limitt Of <br />InsTUranbe, V�re-tufll not pay',4ny in - <br />To any7nsured, except"volunteer Workers'". <br />yptejudgmant <br />fei"asi Visaged on that period of time oftariha of- <br />b, Hired Person <br />fern <br />Toe person haired to do wwk,tor o oal'bs hftlf of <br />anylnsured or tenant of any insured, <br />g= All intetestar6"tha hail arnotint of any judgment <br />thaf .oCcrues after entry Pf tho .�,udgnteat, and <br />c;)njtrryOn:Narrttallyllnouptes�PretniSes- <br />before we have paid, offered to ppay;;ar depos- <br />Hod in=dourt'fhe part .oftlie judgment.thdt is <br />To a'person injurad on that part of premises <br />WithiWtheapplioabletimit�ofiniu'ionde_ <br />ysryr own or ro(11`ttraf_the person normally, ocpy- . <br />These payments. will notreduce the limits of insur� <br />pies: <br />once. <br />d; WOkers 00fnpensotfon Arid,$imilar Laura <br />�. If we defend an 'insured' against a`sufiU and an <br />To a person, whethe pr qot an "omployae" 4f <br />tndemhtte8 of theittsured is elsmrtarned s a patty <br />W W <br />ayabl"e'Dr mu <br />" <br />Inderrrnlieeif'all of <br />are t bes rov'rded nde�alwiark <br />comp6nsatfon <br />Yhafoliawing oo otio s"Arv,, rndt <br />at <br />ens' Rr disability benefits law or.-ti <br />siirlilar`faW, <br />a, The `Snit against the indorSfiiitee seeks dana - <br />egos foryrh(Iolt�.Cbe insured ha3 ass�,med the. It' <br />e, Athletics. Activities <br />iffy of the indonrlpitoe rn a tontract tit <br />To aTpe,(aon hiju'red'wNliapracticing, ir)5(rq&I-ng <br />agreameotfiii,is an "insured contract`, <br />or participating In any physical oxereises or <br />tr.'This insurance opplias to 'such liability as- <br />piiriesi �(s otts, or athletic conteats', <br />sumed by4he nsured- <br />f I:rroducts:-Completed Operations"Hazard <br />c• The oblfgetioh' to defend, or -the. Oosi of the <br />IncIuJbd .within the "prod'ucts noanpleted ppera= <br />Lions hazard"- <br />defense of, that indamnlfao; has also been as•• <br />sumed by the insured in the same "insured: <br />M. 00yerago A Exclusions <br />ccnfris <br />d. Theallegatfonsin the "suit" and the information <br />Excluded under Coverotfe A. <br />'we ikhoW aboutAJTiJ "ocdurrenco" are such that <br />SUPPLEMENTARY, PAYMENTS — COVERAGE$ A+ <br />no conflict appeors to:exist petW00 the Infer - <br />AND J3 <br />oats Hof the i>C.4Ured and-,tha- interests of the, i(t <br />1. i7Ge•will" pay, irlith re,Spebt �a any claim wo fniresti� <br />�dernnitee, <br />gate or'settla! or any "suit against an lnsoratl vre <br />a The rlidemnrto and, .the Insured oak us to,defend, <br />conduct ago control the defense ;of that indem- <br />a, All expenses we inonr. <br />Meaagafnst such "'suit" and agree that we can <br />assign the Santa counsel -tad fo end the irtsured <br />b, Up to .$250 for cost of bail bonds required <br />and Via indeaimba; and <br />because of aWdehts, or traffip law vfofatil0b$ <br />aCiaing out ttf the Use of any -vehlote to whiph <br />f, The indemnitee, <br />the Eodily' IA1ury Liability ,Coverage app1' tinfB <br />(1) Agrees (awriting tol_ <br />do not have to furnish these bonds. <br />(s) CPoperate with us in the _ pyestigotion„ <br />o„ The cast pf bonds fo roleSse atcr mettle," brit <br />settlarrlent grz3efen e oftho'"suii ; <br />only for bond amounts within the. applicable _ <br />(p.) IMModiateiy send us copies of any <br />limit Of insurance. We have to "fumish <br />demands, nat[oe�, summonses or, legal <br />these'bontle, <br />papers received in connectlon with the <br />d: All reasonable expenses incurred by the in- <br />sured at Our t,0440st to assist Lis 'in the 10esti- <br />(c) Nofify any otherinsurer whose covorage <br />gallon or defense of the claim of 'Ysuit',, htolud- <br />av <br />Is ailableto the irideniNtoei and <br />trig actual Toss of earnings up'2o $2b0 ja day <br />psoatrso of time off"fromwork. <br />{d) Cooperate�v dh us With, faspeot Ta coot <br />zlinatmg afher applioabfa `fnsuranu <br />e. Ali court costs taxed against the Insured rn iha <br />available to the,indemnitee; aril <br />'Suitt Flo}vever,theap paYkttents do ,not rnelude <br />attorneys' lees or attorneys' expenses Is <br />(2) with written authorization 3o <br />againstthe insured, <br />(a) Obtain records nof ofheC Iniottnation.. <br />related to the "sul 1. _ 'I <br />¢„ <.,y $�deAteraganu,k4iwlon. <br />�'"'��; 6JNPWaJ®81; <br />09.}9JCTdAat <br />�Wuk <br />Page 8 of 16 ,b 150 Properties; <br />Nxw9nr,mtgaiglAidc <br />Inc., 2006 <br />