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(b) conduct and control he defense of the <br />indemnitee in su6h'"suir1 <br />$o tong as `the above conditions are met, atter- <br />neys' fees.incurred by us in e defense of that in. <br />demniteE, necessary'litiltatior ekponses Ifiburred <br />by os and.neo&s$ary Iltigaticn' ekpohses iheiurod. <br />by the Jndgmaitee at our request will be paid as <br />Supplementary Payments, Notwil4staridirig the <br />provisions 'of Paragraph 2.b,(2) of Section l <br />Couerage A = Bodily 1nlury, Aid Property Ohms go <br />LiablKyr such paymbrilA'WiIJ not be deemed, to be <br />damages The (!,bodi[y injury"'and "prdpErCyda'urage" <br />sn�d`wlu not. reducethe;limi� 4f 1ns.Urance. <br />Our obligatjon to d0ieri !:oh insurod'a lndenrnitee <br />And]to.p6y tirr attorneys" fees and nepossarylitiga- <br />tiop exponsos as rpptemerltaty't'ayt?tents ends <br />when we have use(up the applicable finilt of in <br />surance in the payrnenf of jGd dents .o'r Zettlev <br />rj%ents Or the b066. <br />difiott5 Se# fagb above, Of the <br />term.% of th!E agrpemOat described in PSlragreph-t; <br />abouef sre na longer met€: <br />S,FTION 11-`YfltiO JS AN INSUR6Ci= <br />i. If you are.designeted 6 the pebteratiorts ass <br />a. An individual, you and your spouse are in. <br />sureds,'bbttiniti with respecita the eonduct of <br />a business of Whiph you "afa lhe:sote owner:, <br />b, A partnership orjoint venture; you are ati ir1.- <br />sured. Yrsut;meMb6r$, your ktbers, and their <br />spouses ere also insureds but only with r6- <br />spect,to,the cpnduc(;of yiaur business; <br />-a; A Iimlted dsbiirty conjpsny, ybu are an Insured <br />Your members ;ire Aw insureds, but Dilly with <br />respect to the conduct of .yeur business. Your <br />managers are insureds, but 6riiy with ;respect <br />to thi<lt duties as y o(if nianagers, <br />d. An=organiiafion other than a partnership, joint <br />vontute or limited liability company, ,you ate an <br />insurpcl. Your "executive 006e0s" and directors <br />are insur'egs, but oajy with respect 10their du- <br />ties as yqur officers or direc_t4rs 1�aur stack- <br />horders,are also insureds, butt only with:respeet <br />to their [fability as,sibbkftd dens, <br />e. A trust, you are an insured. Your trustees are <br />also insureds, butohly with.respect to ih'eir du- <br />tle's M trustees: <br />2. -Each of the following is aiso,an Insure(t; <br />a, Your "voiupteer workers";only While performing <br />duties related to the conduct of your business, <br />or your 'employees", other than either your <br />"e out! - Kfe ofPicefs" (tf you are an organixati6hr <br />bth rthan a. a. nership„ joint 9(0Atur$ or`.limited <br />nae i ty bemoan) or your martegam�f you are <br />limted liability oompany)a but, or l for ante <br />within the scope of their, employment by you or <br />White perforrting duties related to the conduct <br />of �bdr bubiriEea, 'HbWevoti "ntrhe of those'Perri <br />ployees" or "v..olunteor workers" ,'are insureds <br />for;. <br />(1), "'4Udily Injury" or "personal and. advertising <br />(a) To your 10 yOur pOtnets or members (it <br />you are' a portnerslrtp pr,)ojnt venture),, <br />to your rneunbers [f yQy ere g limited li <br />ability company) to a co -"employee!" <br />while iri the oou of, hls of hQr ein4 <br />loymbntor porforifi tig ddties related to: <br />he c0nduct of ybqf 4u chess sir to your <br />other "ys?Junteei workers" While perform- <br />log duties related lb the conduu# of your <br />business;: <br />{b) Tvthe.spouse"04fild, parent, brother, or <br />sister .Ef that co:''employee" or "volun; <br />teorworker" as a consec 6'ence of Para <br />graph (1)(A) abouei <br />(6) Fa which there is .any -obligation to <br />share damages with or repay $Onleone <br />else•Who lMstpay#AMap0$�becaose, of <br />the l�ifry jd6sodb6din P rsgrsphs (1)(a) <br />or(6)above, or <br />(d) Arising old of his or .her providing or <br />falling. to provide protessinnal health <br />care services. <br />(2) "i?ropedy damage" to proPetty+ <br />(o) Owned, pcoupiEdi or rased py; <br />(b.) Rented "to, in Cho,care., custody Or coil- <br />trot of, or oyor which mysjoai control is <br />being ezerclsedfo pirry` <br />you, any of your ",employees", "volunteer <br />yrorkers any partner '..orme <br />mber <br />'of you are <br />a partnership or joint. venture), or any mein- <br />ber(if you area limited liability dompany). <br />p � -:. 4Mzatr+Fa6v: <br />GG 00 0112 07 0,180 Properties, Inc.,,2008: <br />