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R) the nature anti: location of any injury or <br />damage arising out of the ""occurrence" or <br />offense', <br />b. if a claim is made or "suit' is ,brought- against <br />any-frisUndd, you rnust,. <br />(1) Immediately record the .specifics of the <br />claiki, r.Tsuit' and"the date;recefued,arid• <br />(2) TJotifyusas=soonaspracficable,, <br />You :must sea 1p if. that we recetus written now <br />tire. of {he claim or'"'suit" as soon as praatfra4 <br />ble. <br />c, You ant( any ctherinwaived jpsured must; <br />(I)l Immediately ;sefid us copies, of, any' tie. <br />mends; notices, summonses or, legal pa- <br />peis'received iin'oorinectiori wfth the: claim <br />or"'stilt'; <br />(2) Authorize us to obtain records and tether <br />itifdihatfonl <br />(2) Cooperate with us in'the investigation or° <br />sattlet rerit of the.clafrn or defense against <br />the "stilt"'f and <br />(4) Assist us,, upon, our requdst, In the ene <br />fdrtOhlont -of any right tigainst grjy ^ rsbtt <br />r organiatipn which my' ire i,ab_fe te the <br />insured because trf Flury owamage to <br />whl,rkr this insurance nrayalao.apply. <br />d� 1!o yrisured wfll, except atJhal )nsured's'own <br />cos(; valuntatl)ymakg a,paymept,- assume any <br />Obligation; or frrrur any expense, other than for <br />first aid, without our''con`sent; <br />a, Legal Action Agairrsttls <br />No person or organt atf4ri has A right uncler this <br />Coverage Pah <br />?, To join us as,O pad#y orv(hprw so Daring us;intp <br />a r'suit° asklhg for damages from an insured; or <br />6 To sua p on,thts Coverage Part, unless all 'of <br />its terms have been fully complfod with. <br />Q person of organization inay.sua us to recover on <br />an agreed settlement' or on a final judgment <br />against an :Insured•, but we will not be liable for <br />ddi-.0000,.thal ;are not payable tanner the terms of <br />this, coverage Part orthat are in eXoess pf itie Op. <br />usrtne msurea ana the claimant or <br />'s Ie�al.repYesentatt�Fe. <br />4. Other Insurance <br />if of her valid and collectible insurance is, available <br />to. tho�,lnsured fqr a foss we cover under 0overag�- <br />es orb orof this Coverage"Partour,obligaiions <br />ate'ilrnited ds folloW <br />a. <br />This insurance is primary except when Para- <br />graph b. belowapplies. if this Insurance ispri. <br />mary, our, obligations are not affedted tlnleas' <br />any of "The ,other lnsurende is„also pornAr <br />Thori we Will -. hate *it <br />_h all that other lmur <br />ante by the tnethod desorlbed in Paragra <br />beph c:: <br />otiv <br />6. fwxeess;tnsufsipce <br />(1) This:insuranoe is excess ovair'. <br />(a) Any tf the other Insurance, whether <br />primary, eifcess, offntrigeht -or tip arty <br />Other txasts: <br />(i) .That` Is F [Je, ;Wehded -0overago, <br />Bu(Ider's Risk, instalialfoo RA or <br />sir 7 rarcpye(ggo for ",Your'workll; <br />,!j) That is .Pine, insurance for,prem)sos. <br />rented to yOu.or temporarily Oocu <br />fried by you with permissfon of ifre <br />owner; <br />(01); That is Insurance purchased, by you <br />to obveryour Ilhbillty as a.tonant for <br />�Ipr'o(lbrfy-damage"'to pranralses:rent <br />ed t6y6u Ortorriprra'rily Occupied by <br />you with pormlssion Ofthe"-owner; or <br />(ivy if the foss arises Out of tfie trielote- <br />nahoe -nr .Use of alrcm% "autos" -ear <br />'watercraft to the extent not.subjeot to <br />Fi6luslon g.0f-Section`I �=Coverage <br />A — Bbdily fnjufy.And Property Dam- <br />age liability. <br />(b) Any other prirhary Insurance available to <br />you covering liability for dantagas eris <br />Ing Out of the prernisves or'operattons, or <br />the products and Oompt`e-ad ;operallons,_ <br />fkr which yqa have bean added; <br />addleional fnsured by mttaehment of an <br />endoi=seifient. <br />(2) When thisnsurance`is excess we will have <br />no duty under Beverages A lot B to defend <br />the insured againat any ... suit" if -any other <br />insurer Aas O duty to defend the insured <br />against that "soft".r If no other Josurer de- <br />farldsr we will undertake to do so, 6ul,.we <br />wilt be entitled to .Elie insured's nights <br />against all, those.otheTlrisurbra <br />CO 00 01 12 07 01SQ Properties, Inc., 2006; <br />