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b. Any person (other than your "employee" 'or <br />"volunteer worker'};'dr any organization While <br />acting,as your real,estato mAirager, <br />c. Any person or organization having proper <br />'temporary custody of you1r, property, if yb4 d1b, <br />but only: <br />(1), V.VIfhrespect to liability arising out, of 1h6 <br />nnglintoriahce of bsb of, that pt000q; Arm <br />(2) Untll. your 16,061 morsserltativ& .:has been <br />d. Y'bur legal, representative if you d1b, but only. <br />With respect to duties 'as ouch: That, topre. <br />tentative wili Oave Olrvour dohj& and I duties <br />3, Any organization you newly Acquire or form, other <br />An 0 0knOrsbikJont. venture Or Ilrbitod 1i#011ty <br />00 m party, And over which, you marot-alwo ownership <br />or, mdjbrity IntAreAt, will qualify I a maintain <br />a Nia e 'in - <br />suited lf-66re K he other sirtYiarahsuranae 0 6114L <br />However: <br />a. Obvibrhodmilddr-thi§ provision As, Offord6d'only <br />until the ,9Utrt day bfta- ryofi A04dife Or forth the <br />oroapikaforlo"n Jhop,end Ith "J. a 'po,(p-y period, <br />whi-04worls eariler; <br />P. P OV&40 A does jio"-p ""bodity in ply"tp . jury,, or <br />"Ooopo' damage"Q44 Occurred'`bAf6i�p you <br />ant QNgire�'orto,im d tho organization; <br />c� Coverage 9 does not Apply to 1'petsQnal and <br />"I arising but- of :art Offense <br />comin! before you Acquired of <br />formed I the <br />e <br />No person or,organ-liation is an insured with respect <br />fq the -4ohdu0t of arlycorroiht,,of past parthel'sihio joint <br />verftto,& limited 1IAblIJty'0Mp4ny'that is, riot sk'*h <br />85 a Named)nsured in the Oeplamflon, a, <br />- <br />SECTION 111, - LIMITS OF INSURANCE <br />1. The. Urnits df-linguratico,shown ihthe DetlardtijJ06 <br />And the rules 'Ibeto*. fix the most we Will pay re- <br />qhrdiess Of the <br />4. Insureds; <br />b. Claims made or "suits" brought;, -or <br />c, P-OMns pir organ i ±E111905 malting claims or <br />bringing, "suits", <br />t 'The Osnpraf Aggregate Limit is the mot#. we will <br />payfor1he sum of. <br />�i �k Medical expqnsep 4ndefCqyeraqQ C; <br />Coverage A, except damages <br />i y,. or "proper ty'darmag,01 <br />e 0 �OZr ' <br />ym injury" <br />Included in the'"products-completed operations <br />h6z6oWi And <br />C;- Damages under Coverage 13, <br />Knoe 10 of Is <br />1, The Products -Completed Operations Aggregate <br />Limit Is the most we will pay under Coverage . A for <br />damagesbecoose of "bodilyinjury" Otto '"property <br />damage" Included In the "products -completed -op'- <br />-Aratf6s hazard". <br />A 90bloct to Paragraph '2. ab6m the P,arspOhl ai-ld <br />injur y Cirrift e, th Is the most we will pay uh- <br />Or, toverege, is the sqtp of all da I r 1 0, ag 6.5 bew <br />cause of all Versonaland advertising' inluryi' sus,. <br />A.Alned by ahy,oh6 juers6rr or6roar(iz6boh,, <br />Subject to Paragraph I. pm' 3. above, Whichever <br />most we <br />will."PAy fbrthe,sum of <br />a. Damages under -Coverage A; and <br />,because of all i1juptilly I 1 0 11 Jury,*'Ond "Prroporty debt <br />age' adsing OUL6I any, one "qcrurrehoe11,,. <br />6,, -Su6feot JoPo.ragtrapfi�;S; Above, the IJ4 T <br />_u Limit is -the most we, Will <br />.-pay- under $ for damages because of <br />pyppedy d� <br />li 11 1 a -,ohd premises, While <br />litnted to you, ! ,irl tine ,cas of d4rh#00,.bv fire, <br />7. $vbJedUtd Faftirajoh 6; bboV* the Medloal Ex- <br />sh 't-Imif,he Most la She '-WO',will pay <br />aged Tor <br />, all med yapt expenses bocau because of "bodily <br />into austained byainyone person. <br />The Ulmltp (),f[psoranoiD of this Coverage ,Park_apply <br />;5,n,par'aC In I le,1, to each, 6ohse c'ulive,ann'u'al period and to <br />y e n Ing period of IOWI1106; 12,moirtft, starting <br />with the beginnirig' Gfthe ,policy period thoWn In the <br />Qeolorotions,, unless the 'P0110d isi'e4ended <br />after'lisueripq for 001 ,qflo':,6f fesg than. i <br />l 1 <br />months. In 'th case, 4he, Ad' tionol pentod , - WfIbe <br />deeMbd p6d'of the la6tpitekedirig period'fOrp'Utpos -11 <br />C�8' <br />SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />,CONDITIONS <br />1. aankruptcy <br />PanKrupi,cy Pr inso ' Ivoncy ot' the insored, or pf the <br />ft -Insureestate Will iot relieve, us ot"Gur oblige, <br />IW6,4 utidel'this Coverage Part, <br />2. Duttles In The Event OUOccurrence, Offense, <br />'ClAhn Oir'suft <br />a. You mugi-seeAo it thalme,are notified as soon <br />,As or Ah.dnnsb <br />Whioh, may'fesUlt in a claim. To the eAerrt pos- <br />, 01lo, rwti4 shojuO indoow. <br />(1) KOWWhAff and Where the `bccu0e0(!6!!,or <br />offOgis, took Place; <br />(2) The fidmos And addressee of any injured, <br />person` ,1 witnesses. slid <br />"jV" <br />rONVAML APPROV Hr. <br />,0,1$0 Properties, Inc., 2006: <br />