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a. "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, sickness or <br />disease sustained by-aperson,, including death re. <br />salting from any -of these. at anytime.. <br />4, "Coverage:ferritary"means:, . <br />a., l he United States of �merjpa {lnclgdjng its <br />ter'torles and :possessions}, Puerto Rico and <br />Cahade <br />b. international waters or airspace but,onhr ifthe <br />14jurydr damage ocburs In the; coUirs0efht bV61 <br />or teensporlatidn batween .aby' placas irfdJuded <br />in Paragraph a, abode; of <br />t, All other parts of the world, if ttte injury or`dam= <br />age arise4 out of; <br />(1) Goods or prodUbts made. br sold by _ydtr .in <br />the territory ,described .tn Paragraph a. <br />aboye;; <br />(2) Thessaotivdras of a person Whose home is ih <br />the territory ddsortbcd 'In Paragraph a. <br />above, .but is awry fora short tirrre on .your <br />'ausi`ness; or <br />(0) Varsanal anal a0verhsirgi 1njU6S" ooas <br />That take place.ttrropgh the i'nternet,or simi <br />larelectronictftefihs of cbrrstnutrieation . <br />provided the insured`$ _rospq„rtsibjlitY iq pay Oar - <br />ag s ddtermjned in a"suitr bii the, mania, -in the <br />territory described in Paragraph a. above or, in a <br />st�ftleitient x?e"agre8li. <br />5. "Employes" Inctudbs,a "leased w`orkee "Employ- <br />ee' doesnbt:inolude a "Temporary tvorkeY', <br />5. "EXeeutiVeadffrder" means a lierson holding any of <br />the 6ffroef positforia craated by ygpt, ahartar`, ton- <br />atitution, by-laws or arty otfrer similar -governing <br />da'oumenk, <br />7; `,kostlie fire" means brie which bepgmes!uricon- <br />traliable or breaks Dirt trom where it was itrended <br />to be. <br />8. "impaired property means tangible property; other <br />fhan ".yourproduct" or"r+our work";1b4t ganbq# be. <br />used or is teas useful because: <br />A., It incorporates 'I.ypttr produd" or „your .w3l° <br />that is known or thought to .be*defective; de i= <br />ci'enf, hiadequate orddngerous or <br />b. -'ou .have falled'to fdlfill the terms of:a contract <br />or agreement; <br />If such ,property can be restored ,to use by the.,re- <br />parr, raplacertente adjustment or removal of 'your, <br />product" or "your work" -or your falnlling, the towns <br />ofthe oontradt or agreernerif., <br />8 J'Insurod contraot"' means: <br />a. A contract for a, lease of <br />y person :or organize. <br />d prenitses While refit <br />occupied ray you �Ith: <br />is not an "fn6orod oan <br />b. A $0biraok agreement;' <br />t, Any easoinent or license agreement, eXoepf in <br />dgnrfeqtl"pn. with canstruotton v,deioolltion op <br />erations on or Q No 6,6,feef of a rarlrna�; <br />d An .obliog an, as re ulrbd by bldin -I io <br />fn . nlfy a rnunraip frig , e cept In,booneotjon <br />with we(,I for a rriOOpal!uty; <br />a, An' elevatorniintenanoeagreoment; <br />f. Tfat bait of :anv other 'contract i6r adraemPdt <br />a <br />`arhtdh you assftme <br />uy mw in we aupence of .any gantraq er <br />agreement: <br />Paragraph f.. doea.not foolude That parf of any <br />contract or agreement: <br />(1) Tbat indoorilfiesra railroad for "bptljly injury" <br />or "property damage`e arising out of con= <br />9trudti6h' of demoltionvopemtions, within 660 <br />feet df, any railroad property And affeoi(ro <br />any railroad bridge or trestle, lr ks, rpkd- <br />beds, tunnel, underpass or crosstng, <br />lei That tntierfr'nifees an archltabt, Ongineer or, <br />sunroyprtor,lnjury or damage arising e f of <br />(a) PrepaTing, ap)),MVIng or fsiiirrg to pre= <br />pare, or approve, MAPS, sli0� rawlo,6s,, <br />opinions, repotEs, surveys, held orders, <br />change orders or drawings 'and speeifi <br />datidns; or <br />(b) diving directions or :instructions, :or <br />faitrng to;yiVe them:, ifthafis the primary <br />cause if the injur ,6f damage€ a <br />(3) Under which the insured, If an architect, <br />engineer or sutsoyof; assuntesliability 1or <br />an injury er,damage,arising sat of the in - <br />or <br />ar- <br />■wrl rirrrrr�wrrinrr <br />f <br />CG 00D1 12 07 VtS65:Properfies, Mo., 2006 <br />