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14,"Leased worker' means a person leased, to you by <br />a labor leasing firm under an agreement between <br />You and thelabbr leasing firm, to perform duties <br />related 16 the conduct of our business, "Leased <br />worker"duos"potinclude a Iemporaryworker% <br />11.111-dad1ho 6r unlo&dm means the handling of <br />proporty; <br />a. After 'It is moved from the. ;plaeo Where It Is <br />accepted for movetnont into dronto:an ajrdraft, <br />watercraft or "auto";^ <br />li _IJ6 it is In Or an an aircraft, watercraft dr' <br />"'autk°l Qr <br />c. <br />White It, p llaing movasl-frorrf ah errcraft, Water <br />ark# or'$tr#o to tho Ptooe t4are Cite finally de- <br />li�+ared; <br />bait "loading or uhlO;Yamg" ttoes; ,not in`oiude the <br />movpment of property by sans of a nlechanlc@I <br />device, other :.than A Itan,� irudie, that is riot ati- <br />`xached tb he �ircraH,�Catercraft er "aGto", <br />12."Mobile equipment" means any, of 'the following <br />types.of land vehicles, including any attached me <br />chmery br'equiptnentx"' <br />A. Bulldozers, fain machinery, ;forklifts and father <br />veFlioles des(Qned'for use, ptil cilo offpublic, <br />roads; <br />b, Vehioles::rtraidtainod for use solely on ot next to <br />premises you AWn of -rent; <br />c. Vehicles that travel an cravrl`er`treads <br />d. Vehicles, whether self�propelled or not, main - <br />tattled primacilY, to provide mobility td. penna- <br />nently.[rlounted; <br />(1) Pawdt>crfiii? s, sttovets, loaders, 'dinners or <br />tlrills;dr <br />(2) 9OAr(f.6anstrJdt an or rosur€ading equlpmertt <br />s(teh at grade , sdrapOM df1oller8j <br />e. vehicles not iosoribed in Paragraph a„ b., C. <br />or d.r abov0Atna"t,Are not self-propelled anti ate <br />Maintained prim. anlyto provide rnabiCityIQ per- <br />manently attached equipment -of the fallowlllg <br />types: <br />(1) Hrr compressors; puMps .and geno-Mto_rs, <br />lnciudimg -spraying, weldingr buiiding dlearr- <br />trig; geophysical explarstion, lighting and <br />well servidirg egdiprnent dr <br />(2) Cherry pickers and slmilar devices used to <br />raise or lowerworkers; <br />f Vehicles not described'in Paragraph a., "b,, c. <br />or d. above maintained primarily for purposes <br />dthertnan <he trans```,liersons-of car- <br />gb. <br />However, se1f-prQpajI0d vehloles With the fol- <br />lowing types of permanently attached equip- <br />ment`' are not "mobile equipment" but will be <br />considered "autos"; <br />�1) Equipinerrtdosignertprimadlyfoe''� <br />(a) Snow removal; <br />(b) )toad maihtemanco, but not construption <br />or resurfacing; or <br />(e) Street cleaning; <br />Oheryplgk€rrs anq stmitardevioes mgunted <br />'On automobile or trggk chassis and used. fcx <br />raise,or lower workers; and <br />O A compressars, pumps and r)enoratorsa <br />Jnc1udlpg a_praYfhg, wdltfinq, building c(ean-- <br />tag, geophysreal exp16rdo6 .lighting and <br />welt seNicing.etruipment, <br />.However, „mobile equipment° does not iinclude <br />any land vekltcles tbat.aro subject to a compulsory <br />or financial respgr[si0i6ty 1a 7 or�other Motor 0111- <br />cie insurancelaw, In (het'siata wbero Its. licensed` <br />o prin pally garaged~ Lind vehioles subieol to a <br />compulsory - or financial responsibility law or dther <br />,rhO ` vehrcte lnsuran6e law are 46n6tde6e7d"su- <br />tosr", <br />11"Cle0urrence" means an accident, including dons <br />urinous ;or repeated exoosufe to substantially the <br />samfi general harbifol cooditians„ <br />144"P0s06) and adveflising injury" means injury, <br />including consequential "bodily Ipjury" aris! out of aria Or -more of be fdllowm bftensesi <br />a. False arrest, detention,br`lmpriabomont; <br />b. Malidiaus proseautian <br />c. 'The wrongful eviction from, wrongful entry Into, <br />or invasion of the right of p4vat6 cb°eupandy, of <br />A rc6m, dwelling Or premises thet p person ou. <br />cuoips,_committed by or#n behalf outs owmer;. <br />I'.p_ rd orlessor,. <br />d. oral or written pubiicstiirji, in any rnanile'r, of <br />maierlal that slamders or -libels, a person or or <br />ganization or.disparages-A person's or argank <br />,zafion's goods,, products or servlces; <br />e, .z rah ur °wr tip <br />_q pgblicatlor , M .any mghner, of <br />material that violates a` person's right of p6va- <br />dy; <br />f. The use of another's advorfising Idea In your <br />"advertiserrierit"l or <br />g. Infringing upon another's sopyrlght; trade dress <br />orslogan Inyour"adverllsemefif'. <br />„ �A4"pgcrwrti%vV� <br />Risk Muta"c,iKMClilial/{(dG <br />Page 14 of 16 0.I80 Properties, Inc., 2D06, <br />