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16,"O'dilutantV mean any solid,: liquid, ,gaseous or, <br />thermal Irritant or contaminant,_ Including smoke; <br />vapor,. soot, fumes, abids; alkalis„'Obemieals and <br />Wa`rte,'Waste includes materials to beraaycled, <br />reconditioned or rg0lairYed„ <br />16,' P,rdfhi6ts-cOb1pIbted bporations hazard" <br />A. lholudes all "bodily rijdry" and>"propedydam- <br />age"'WurrinU,aWbyfram preritlses You Own or <br />mht Arid arisin,4"dut of "your product" or "your' <br />warp"except; <br />(1) ;Products that are still in your, physical pos- <br />eossirin, 01 <br />(2)' Ut(ork,that has- n9t yet heart completed or <br />apandpned How ar '-yoot war skjlL e <br />deemad gompl'eted at the earliest at the fol <br />tolling times. <br />(a) Whop all ,of ttie work, called for in your, <br />contract hastee'n completed. <br />01f pll of the work to Spa tfone at the <br />Ilia is has ,seen completed If your can- <br />.tract.calls:fofi work at.morafhati one job <br />Site.. <br />(c) -WhehAhatparf bfthe wdrk done at;a jot, <br />site has been, put to Its infended uae by <br />any Person or orqsntstion htheu than <br />'aripthgr c6niractor or subcontractor <br />Forking on', a same project, <br />vyorit 1h tf May need seturoe, (maintenance, <br />correct or repair or replacement, but wti"loll <br />Is otherwise complete, wilt be -,treated as <br />.dornplbted. <br />b. Does not include ".bodily injury" or "property <br />damage" arising cut or: <br />('t) The transportation of property, unless the <br />injury br damage=arlaes,.dut,of a.condition In' <br />or on a wohiole not idwhod -Or'Operated by <br />you, and that oomdaion'wav created by the <br />loadlilg al unloading" pitat uah101e by airy <br />inuuy* <br />(1) Tlia 0XJefeitpe of tools, udinstaileo equip - <br />merit or'abapoonpdorunused rgaterlals; or <br />(3) Products Q op$rations for which the classf <br />tioation, listed in the Declarexipns 'Or `in a <br />policy ° schedule, states that producfr� <br />bampleted -operations are :subject fa. the <br />General Aggregate. Limit, <br />77."Properfy darnage" meads: <br />art Physical in(jury to targlbfe property,, Including <br />all resulting loss of use of-titat,proporty. A11 <br />such toss of use stead "be: deoined to occur at <br />the timerbfthe physical ldJUrythat causetl It; or <br />h, Loss of use ,of tangible property that Is not <br />physically injured. All such toss of ,use shall be <br />deenmed to occur at the time of the "occur- <br />rence'thot;caused 11. <br />For the purposes of this Insurance, electronic data <br />fs nottonglwe jyrciporly. <br />As used to •this definition, alectronfo data meant <br />Infdrrdatfoht facts ur programs ;stored as or ort, <br />,a or <br />data <br />equipiladot <br />18,"Soft"' means a cIVll proceeding ih Which .damages <br />beOausb of "bodily injdry" "�fbperty, damage' or <br />'"personal and adc%ortlstjng ht).ury' to Which this 6- <br />.,a applies are alleged, "sort" incjudbs: <br />a. Ap :afbltratlon proceeding In which such :dam- <br />-ages pare clamed, ape o whidh fhe insured <br />must. submit or does submit .with bur' consent <br />ar <br />b., Any other alternative dispute ,resolution pro- <br />caeding ln, which such damages are .claimed <br />and to which the insured submits with our ooh <br />,rani'. <br />yrary ,%Ork-00 Thed a person Who Is fut� <br />to ,you to substitute fcr a penman, Opt "em- <br />' ah leave cr'to moot seasonal of short -feria <br />is <br />dudes determined by you, aria is, not pdid e foot <br />salary or tither ooml?eridatibn by you cr anyone <br />else fortheirWork portormdtjfor yqui, <br />21:1Ybur;J"oduct"; <br />a. Beans; <br />0) Any goods, or prpducts, oIther thane real <br />property, manufactured, sold, handled, dis, <br />ttibUtbd.ordispased.df'by, <br />(a) Yau; <br />(b) Of terelfading under your name; or <br />(c) A p00PIt Or orgaf ize(lop whose Oust <br />rless'Of assets yell (,aye acquired; and <br />O entainors (oilier khan vehiuiga), "material <br />parks or equ,`tprnent fur0100d; in conpaptiorl <br />with sucIr goods or products. <br />b. Includes; <br />(1) Warntntier or represontatfons mhde at any <br />time With respect to the fitness, quality, act <br />rabiiity" performance,orpse of'yourprod- <br />uct`,, and <br />" Ran s,"reRa0Evsw.. <br />} law �ta�w,r <br />RkkM+na"�nmtCtof�z,Aidc <br />GG 03 0112 07 V ISi Prbperties, Inc., 2006:: Hyv , <br />