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Anissa Voyiatzes, PE, QSD, ENV SP <br />Civil <br />Anissa Voyiatzes, PE, QSD, ENV SP, has 28 years of experience in civil engineering planning, design, and <br />program and project management for transportation and public works facilities. These projects have <br />included bikeway, roadway widening, rehabilitation, ADA compliance evaluation and improvements, <br />complete streets and streetscape projects, utility engineering, site grading, traffic engineering, flood <br />control facilities, drainage systems, sewer and water systems, parking lots and retaining walls. Anissa <br />specializes in public works engineering projects that incorporate sustainable design practices. <br />Having spent many years leading multidiscipline design teams delivering public works projects from <br />Education <br />on -call contracts throughout Southern California, Anissa is intimately familiar with challenges that cities <br />BS/1993/Civil Engineering/Califomia <br />face. Anissa's project management approach, which has been key to her success, involves focusing on the <br />State University, Chico <br />needs of her clients while staying flexible and adaptable through the life of the project. <br />Registrations <br />RELEVANT EXPERIENCE <br />1997/PE/Civil/CA #57710 <br />Certifications <br />Market Street Pedestrian and Streetscape Enhancements Project, (LA River to Cherry Avenue), <br />Envision Sustainability Professional/ <br />City of Long Beach, CA. Quality Control Manager and Group Leaderfor the design of the roadway <br />Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure <br />and for a pedestrian and streetscape enhancement project on Market Street between the LA River and <br />Qualified SWPPP Developer/California <br />Cherry Avenue, an approximate1.9-mile stretch of the corridor. The project consists of complete street <br />Stormwater Quality Association <br />improvements including Class II/IV bike lanes and other new bike/pedestrian facilities, bulb -outs, <br />wayfinding signage, sidewalk widening, crosswalk and transit stop enhancements, construction/ <br />Professional Affiliations <br />American Society of Civil Engineers <br />reconstruction of curb ramps for ADA compliance, repairing sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, reconstructing/ <br />resurfacing roadway pavement, pedestrian lighting, traffic signal installation/upgrades,flashing <br />American PublicWorks Association <br />beacons, landscaping and street trees, removing/relocating obstructions and utilities, and miscellaneous <br />American Council of Engineering <br />sustainable design features for improved mobility and safety. <br />Companies <br />Long Beach Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements Design, Long Beach, CA. Senior Project <br />California City and County Engineers <br />Manager responsible for evaluation and design of curb ramps to support the Citywide Curb Ramp <br />Association <br />program. Anissa previously managed the development of the City's Self Eva luation/Transition plans and is <br />Years of Experience:28 <br />continuing that work with the citywide implementation for the placement and upgrade of all curb ramps <br />at approximately 22,000 locations. The project includes ramp evaluation for ADA compliance, schematic <br />and final design, and cost estimating. <br />2019 Cycle 1 Residential Street Improvements City of Manhattan Beach, CA. Senior Project <br />Manager responsible overseeing the design and management for 5 miles of street improvements <br />at various locations around the city. Design work included pavement rehabilitation, curb and gutter <br />construction, sidewalk construction, and driveway construction. The project also included reconstruction <br />of 61 curb ramps. <br />Plaza del Amo at Western Mobility Enhancement, T-177, City of Torrance, CA. Senior Project <br />Manager for the preparation of construction documents for the roadway widening of Plaza del Amo from <br />223rd Street to Western Avenue to improve circulation and safety. Improvements include widening of the <br />roadway on the north side, addressing roadway and stormwater deficiencies, restriping, curb and sidewalk <br />and ADA compliant ramp upgrades. Processed Caltrans Encroachment Permit for modifications and <br />improvements at Western. <br />Bending the River into the City, Metabolic Studio, Los Angeles, (A. Client Liaison for a completely <br />unique use of civil engineering to develop a new relationship with the river, not as a polluted flood control <br />ARDURRA device, but as the original source of water for region. This infrastructural artwork project would involve <br />City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division <br />RFP 22-002 1 May 24, 2022 1 B-27 ] /�/ARDURRA <br />