<br />P-1 Sewer Rehabilitation Project, City of San Diego, CA.
<br />Resident Engineer forth is sewer rehabilitation project, which involved
<br />the lining of approximately 35,000 linear feet of 8-inch sewer main
<br />through trench less construction techniques. The primary method
<br />of lining was expandable pipe or"Expanda;'with CIPP lining also
<br />utilized for a approximately 10% of the total footage lined. Additional
<br />construction items included rehabilitation of all laterals in the public
<br />right-of-way by CIPP lining, installation of new lateral cleanouts, and
<br />the replacement and rehabilitation of badly deteriorated manholes.
<br />Manhole rehabilitation was achieved through the installation of spray
<br />on "Zebron"epoxy lining system. Acted as extension of staff to the
<br />City of San Diego Field Engineering Division and was responsible for
<br />overseeing all aspects of the project, including contract administration,
<br />document and submittal control, running progress meetings, and daily
<br />field inspection duties.
<br />Q-1 Pipeline Rehabilitation Project, City of San Diego, CA.
<br />Resident Engineer and Inspection services on this sewer rehabilitation
<br />project for the City of San Diego. This project involved the lining
<br />of approximately 48,000linearfeet of 8-inch sewer main through
<br />trenchless construction techniques. Rehab methods included both
<br />CIPP lining as well as"Expanda" or"Rib-Lock" lining. Additional
<br />construction items included rehabilitation of all laterals in the public
<br />right-of-way by CIPP lining, installation of new lateral cleanouts, and
<br />the replacement and rehabilitation of badly deteriorated manholes.
<br />Manhole rehabilitation was achieved through the installation of a spray
<br />on "Zebron'epoxy lining system.
<br />Clay Canyon and City Reservoir Steel Tank Rehabilitation
<br />Projects, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, CA. Provided
<br />construction management and inspection on these two steel tank
<br />rehabilitation projects for EVMWD. Though the projects were bid
<br />separately, they are being completed simultaneously. Ardurra is
<br />providing construction management and site inspection on both. The
<br />projects included the cleaning and recoating of the interior and exterior
<br />of both tanks, repairs to badly corroded roof rafters, upgrades to the
<br />entrance hatches, upgrades to yard piping and valving, and upgrades
<br />to the foundations. Ardurra has also teamed with Coating Specialists
<br />and Inspection Services, Inc. to provide NACE Level 3 coating inspection
<br />during sandblasting and recoating processes.
<br />Sewer Improvements Inflow/Infiltration, City of La Mesa, CA.
<br />Construction Manager/Inspector for this $4.6-million sewer main
<br />replacement and rehabilitation program, which took place at various
<br />locations throughout the city. This was a four -phase project, replacing
<br />or rehabilitating approximately 43,000 LF of concrete sewer main.
<br />Replacement operations included traditional cut and cover, CIPP lining,
<br />pipebursting, and jack & bore. These locations included sewer mains
<br />located in the street as well as challenging easements along canyons
<br />and on hillsides. Provided construction management services as well
<br />as inspection during all four phases. In addition to typical construction
<br />management services, he was also called on to provide creative
<br />solutions, based on field experience, for difficult replacements below
<br />structures and in limited access locations.
<br />Foxes Landing Lift Station Upgrades, City of Carlsbad, CA.
<br />After 29 years in service, the City of Carlsbad decided to undertake
<br />the reconstruction of this critical lift station in order to accommodate
<br />increase in daily peak flows as well as provide additional protection
<br />against possible discharges into the adjacent, environmentally sensitive
<br />Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Principal -in -Charge on this project responsible
<br />for providing input on large complex change orders, providing quality
<br />control reviews, and stepping in to manage the project during vacations
<br />and sick days.
<br />Poinsettia Standby Lift Station, City of Carlsbad, CA. Principal -in -
<br />Charge on this $700,000 lift station upgrade project. With the existing
<br />Poinsettia Lift Station already operating at near capacity, the City
<br />installed a 15,000-gallon prefabricated overflow tank and trailerable
<br />pump system in order to provide additional capacity in peak flow
<br />events. His primary duties on this project were comprised of providing
<br />quality control reviews of Ardurra's staff and procedures, and consulting
<br />with the City and staff regarding change order negotiations.
<br />A-2 Lift Station Rehabilitation, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water
<br />District, CA. Principal -in -Charge for the rehabilitation of an existing
<br />3,600-gpm lift station located within the city of Lake Elsinore. Primary
<br />duties on this project were comprised of providing quality control
<br />reviews of Ardurra's staff and procedures, and consulting with the
<br />District and staff regarding change order negotiations.
<br />Johnson Drive Storm Drain Replacement, City of La Mesa, CA.
<br />Construction Manager for this $.75-million CMP replacement project.
<br />This project included the replacement of approximately 1,000 LF of
<br />double barrel24-inch CMP storm drain with a concrete box culvert. The
<br />project also included the replacement of approximately 1,000 LF of 8-
<br />and 12-inch-diameter sewer main and CIPP lining of approximately 500
<br />LF of 12-inch sewer main. This was an extremely challenging project
<br />as it involved many utility relocations and unforeseen conflicts. Project
<br />management included extensive coordination with the conflicting
<br />utilities' project managers and construction staff. Provided construction
<br />management services as well as overseeing and acting as lead for the
<br />project field inspectors.
<br />/�jARDURRA B-36 City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division
<br />RFP 22-0021 May 24, 2022
<br />