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Education <br />BS/2009/Civil Engineering/California <br />State Polytechnic University, Pomona <br />Registrations <br />EIT/CA #151070 <br />Years of Experience:16 <br />/V <br />ARDURRA <br />Omar Alameddine, EIT <br />Construction Manager, Inspection Services Manager, Permitting <br />Omar Ala meddine, EIT, brings an extensive background in construction management and inspection <br />on public works and Caltrans projects. Clients appreciate Omar's penchant for precision and thorough <br />documentation. He has 16 years of experience in Southern California. He has managed inspection teams <br />working on city water projects and has delivered projects to renew city streets and freeways, applying <br />his firm grasp of Caltrans and Greenbook standards. He has also managed and inspected construction <br />of recreational facilities such as soccerfields, public parks and a dog park, public facilities, sewer, and <br />drainage improvements. Omar has managed numerous on -call inspection contracts such as for the Cities <br />of Anaheim, Duarte, Burbank, and Lake Forest and Counties of Los Angeles and San Diego, to name a few. <br />RELEVANT EXPERIENCE <br />Capital Improvement Projects, City of Anaheim, CA. Contract administrator/construction manager <br />augmenting the City's PublicWorks staff to expedite the completion of more than $57 million in projects, <br />such as the following: <br />Indiana Street Water Main Replacement. Contract administrator/construction manager for <br />one of the City's first design -build projects. This design -build project consists of the construction of <br />approximately 2,400 LF of 6-inch ductile iron CL 52 zinc -coated water main, and 200 LF of 8-inch <br />ductile iron CL 52 zinc -coated water main located along Indiana Street between Broadway and <br />South Street. The project also included the replacement of fire hydrants, valves, water services, and <br />appurtenant structures. <br />Imperial Highway and Big Sky Lane Water Main Replacement. Contract administrator/ <br />construction manager for one of the City's first design -build projects. This design -build project <br />consists of the construction of approximately 3,580 LF of 12-inch C909 water main,1,542 LF of 8-inch <br />C909 water main, and 250 LF of 4-inch C909 water main located along the intersection of Imperial <br />Highway and Big Sky Lane. <br />Santa Ana Street Railroad Water Main Crossing with Metrolink/SCRRA. Contract <br />administrator/construction manager for the City's water main crossing the Metrolink/SCRRA on Santa <br />Ana Street. This project consists of boring and jacking trenchless installation method, furnishing, and <br />installing approximately 70 LF of 24-inch steel casing pipe (1/2-inch thickness) welded joints and <br />12-inch zinc -coated ductile iron pipe class 56 and by open -cut construction method, furnishing and <br />installing approximately 7S LF of 12-inch zinc -coated ductile iron pipe class 52. Work also consisted of <br />installing fittings, appurtenances, all valves, and thrust blocks, abandon in place existing water main <br />and water services including interfering portions removal and disposal, pressure test and disinfect <br />the water pipeline, and restoring the site to the original conditions including paving and striping <br />restoration and disposal off site. <br />Underground Conversion Plan Projects. Contract administrator/construction managerfor <br />contract administration and construction management for the following projects as part of the City's <br />Underground Conversion Five -Year Plan and Wildfire Mitigation Plan. The initiative is relocating <br />overhead power and communications systems underground. The work is intended to improve <br />aesthetics, replace antiquated equipment, and enhance the reliability of the area's electrical system. <br />Typical work includes undergrounding 69kVtransmission and 12kV distribution systems, installing <br />streetlights and service connections and demolishing overhead power, telephone, and cable <br />television lines. Projects include: <br />City of Santa Ana May24,2 Resources Division f B-39 1 /V ARDURRA <br />RFP 22-0@ 1 May 24@L 2 1 <br />