<br />ditional existing 48-inch valves that connect Warner Pipeline
<br />to the Atwood Channel, and one 72-inch valve that allows the
<br />District to distribute water received from Metropolitan Water
<br />District deliveries via OC-28 to the Anaheim Pipeline.
<br />Owner's Agent for San Fernando Valley Groundwater Reme-
<br />diation, City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power,
<br />Various, CA. Structural engineer providing technical structural
<br />expertise for the initiation, planning, design, permitting, procure-
<br />ment planning, alternate delivery, construction, commissioning,
<br />close out, and operations of the Groundwater Remediation Facili-
<br />ties in the San Fernando Basin (SFB).
<br />Seven Wells Project, Goleta Water District, Goleta, CA. Structural
<br />engineer providing engineering and design services for five of the
<br />seven wells in Goleta, including the Airport Well, El Camino, San
<br />Antonio, San Marcos, and University well sites. Services included
<br />reviewing existing drawings and documents, editing the structural
<br />specifications, and the final design.
<br />Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Master Plan, City of Los Angeles,
<br />Los Angeles, CA. Structural engineer assisting with a review of
<br />the geotechnical report for the master plan of two -reservoirs and
<br />their recreation potential
<br />San Luis Rey Upper and Lower Water Reclamation Facility
<br />Recycled Water Conveyance Systems, City of Oceanside, Cal-
<br />ifornia. Structural engineer providing engineering and design
<br />services as a subconsultant for planning and preliminary design
<br />of the Upper Water Reclamation Facility and final design of
<br />the Lower Reclamation Facilities Recycled Water Conveyance
<br />Systems. The project is part of a plan to continue to develop
<br />recycled water use. Oceanside decided to implement a recycled
<br />water conveyance using two distribution systems. Th Lower SL-
<br />RWRF will use an estimated 2,102 acre-feet per year (AFY). The
<br />second system, the Upper SLRWRF will use an estimated 1,110
<br />AFY. Our work focuses on the nine (9) pump stations along the
<br />conveyance.
<br />750 MGD Joseph Jensen Water Treatment Plant Inlet Water
<br />Quality Enclosure, Metropolitan Water District of Southern
<br />California, Grenada Hills, CA. Structural engineer providing
<br />engineering and architectural design services for Jensen Inlet
<br />instrumentation upgrade. The scope included the design of the
<br />inlet instrumentation building.
<br />Los Angeles/Kern County Recycled Water Project Pump Station
<br />Building Seismic Analysis, Kern County, CA. Structural engineer
<br />for design of reinforced masonry pump station building. Pro-
<br />duced the calculation spreadsheets for the detail analysis and
<br />design of the pump station. Performed seismic and wind analysis.
<br />Owner's Agent for the East County Advanced Water Purifica-
<br />tion Program (ECAWPP) Joint Powers Association, Various, CA.
<br />Structural engineer providing engineering support as a member
<br />of the Owner;s Agent team for the design, construction, and
<br />Dr. Hui Harry Wu, PE, PhD I Page 2
<br />closeout of a new advanced water purification program. The
<br />program is a multi -jurisdictional effort shared by the Padre Dam
<br />Municipal Water District, the City of El Cajon, the County of San
<br />Diego and Helix Water District to create a new, local, sustainable
<br />and drought -proof drinking water supply.
<br />Los Angeles Reservoir Flow Control Station, City of Los Angeles
<br />Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, CA. Structural
<br />engineer providing construction support for the flow control sta-
<br />tion adjacent to the UV building's 144" pipe outlet. Harry worked
<br />on the plans and specifications for a metal flow control station,
<br />including 96", 60"diameter butterfly valves and 48" cone valves.
<br />Pure Water San Diego Microfiltration/Reverse Osmosis (MF/RO)
<br />Building, Biologically Active Carbon (BAC) Filtration Building,
<br />and Ozone Building, City of San Diego, CA. Structural engineer
<br />providing construction support for the new design of a MF/RO,
<br />BAC, and Ozone building for Pure Water San Diego at the North
<br />City facility, situated closely to the North City Water Reclama-
<br />tion Plant (NCWRP). Pure Water utilizes advanced purification
<br />technology to treat recycled water produced at the NCWRP.
<br />Harry provided structural plans drawings, and specifications for
<br />the three of the buildings and their related structures. He also
<br />provided support during bidding and construction.
<br />Sand Hill Reservoir No. 2 Wood Roof Replacement, City of Men-
<br />lo Park, Menlo Park, CA. Structural engineer providing seismic
<br />evaluation, analysis, and retrofit design for a reservoir roof that
<br />was at the end of its useful life. The roof was sagging and had
<br />water pending on the surface. Furthermore, structural connec-
<br />tions and joist were coming loose allowing water to penetrate
<br />the structure, which caused the wood to rot. Dr. Wu provided a
<br />seismic evaluation and analysis and identified design alternatives.
<br />He assisted in the preparation of the final design for the new roof
<br />construction, including installation of new mixers.
<br />Reservoir Repairs Phase 3 Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit, City of
<br />Oceanside, CA. Structural engineer for site investigation, condition
<br />assessment, seismic evaluation and rehabilitation of nine pre-
<br />stressed concrete reservoirs and one steel reservoir ranging in size
<br />from 1.5 mg to 5.0 mg. The above -ground and partially -buried res-
<br />ervoirs showed evidence of coating deterioration, shotcrete cover
<br />spoiling, prestressed wire corrosion, and surface cracks.
<br />On -Call Professional Engineering Services for Dams and Res-
<br />ervoirs, San Francisco Public Utility District (SFPUC). Structural
<br />engineer on the GE] Consultants team for this $11 million dollar
<br />and 11-year contract with the SFPUC. The team was selected
<br />for the Upcountry Region which includes four dams: Cherry Val-
<br />ley, Early Intake, Lake Eleanor, and Priest Dams. All of the dams
<br />fall under Division of Safety and Dams jurisdiction. Future proj-
<br />ects will include dam, spillway, outlet retrofits, and infrastruc-
<br />ture rehabilitation. Planning projects include studies, such
<br />as seismic stability evaluations, inundation map updates, and
<br />emergency planning.
<br />City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division
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