<br />US 101/Holly Street Interchange and Pedestrian
<br />Overcrossing (POC) Project, City of San Carlos, CA.
<br />Principal Engineer. This $25.8M project modifies the
<br />existing interchange on US 101 at the Holly Street
<br />overcrossing (OC) and adds a pedestrian overcrossing
<br />(POC) over US 101. The interchange modification will
<br />remove the northeast and southwest loop ramps from the
<br />existing full cloverleaf (Type L-10) interchange and
<br />create a partial cloverleaf (Type L-9) interchange to US
<br />101. Diagonal on- and off -ramps will be modified to
<br />create more bicycle- and pedestrian -friendly crossings.
<br />Holly Street will be widened to provide a third through
<br />lane for limited sections at on -ramp approaches. The
<br />existing deck drains, electroliers, concrete median, and
<br />concrete barriers will be modified on the existing Holly
<br />Street OC. The POC will provide a new 12-foot-wide
<br />multi -use path approximately 430 feet south of the Holly
<br />Street OC. As an alternate route for non -motorists, the
<br />POC will provide cross -freeway access without the need
<br />to traverse ramp termini and entrances. Other key
<br />features of the project include ramp widening, ramp
<br />metering improvements, drainage improvements, storm -
<br />water retention basins, retaining walls, bicycle
<br />roundabouts at either end of the multi -use pathway,
<br />signing and striping improvements in Redwood City on
<br />the east side of US 101. signal improvements at the
<br />Industrial Road/ Holly Street intersection, and fiber optic
<br />modifications along Industrial Road on the west side of
<br />US 101.
<br />Los Feliz Drive Sidewalks Phase 2, City of Thousand
<br />Oaks, CA. Project Manager. This project will install 800
<br />linear feet of pedestrian facilities on the north and south
<br />sides of Los Feliz Drive between Thousand Oaks
<br />Boulevard and Conejo School Road. Los Feliz Drive
<br />within the project limits consists of high -density
<br />residential properties. The project will install missing
<br />segments of sidewalk and improve pedestrian safety.
<br />These improvements consist of sidewalk construction,
<br />driveway reconstruction, traffic lane striping and
<br />markings, curb and gutter construction, and crosswalk
<br />striping. The project also involves utility relocation in
<br />various locations. Upgrades will also be made to the
<br />existing striping, crosswalk, and signage on Los Feliz
<br />Drive.
<br />West and East Ojai Avenue Pipeline, City of Ojai CA.
<br />Project Manager. Casitas Municipal Water District
<br />(CMWD) retained Waterworks Engineers, LLC (WWE) to
<br />design a new water pipeline in Ojai Avenue (State Route
<br />150) from Bristol Road and San Antonio Street to Gridley
<br />Road and Oak Glen Avenue, approximately 7,500 linear
<br />feet. MNS coordinated with Casita Municipal Water
<br />District, City of Ojai, and Caltrans and prepared traffic
<br />control plans, traffic management plan and water
<br />Michael Ip, PE, QSD ) RESUME PG 2
<br />pollution control program in support of a Caltrans
<br />encroachment permit for approximately 7,500 linear feet
<br />of new potable water and fiber optic lines on State Route
<br />150 through downtown Ojai. Proposed traffic control plan
<br />and management plan will minimize the impacts to
<br />motoring public, businesses and property owners.
<br />Robin Hill Road Sewer Replacement, City of Goleta,
<br />CA. Lead Engineer. Goleta Sanitary District retained
<br />MNS to design 1500 LF of sanitary sewer line and
<br />manhole replacements in Robin Hill Road and Hollister
<br />Avenue. The project was located in both the jurisdictional
<br />of the Cities of Goleta and Santa Barbara. MNS
<br />coordinated with Goleta Sanitary District and the two
<br />Cities and prepared sanitary sewer improvements and
<br />traffic control plans. Project improvements required
<br />dewatering wells to lower groundwater during
<br />construction and sewer bypasses.
<br />Marie Kerr Park and Ride Project, City of Palmdale,
<br />CA. Project Manager The project located at the
<br />northwest corner of Rancho Vista Boulevard and 25th
<br />Street West will buildout the remaining 19 acres of the
<br />Marie Kerr Park site by constructing a Park and Ride
<br />facility, east of the amphitheater. This 1,000+ parking
<br />space facility will serve as a park and ride destination as
<br />well as provide parking for Palmdale Amphitheater
<br />events and Best of the West softball tournaments. The
<br />Park and Ride facility will include Vanpool, RV, ADA,
<br />future charging stations, bicycle parking spaces, pick up
<br />and drop off areas, storm drain, stormwater treatment
<br />landscaping, and site lighting facilities. The off -site street
<br />improvements will include parkway improvements along
<br />the west side of 25th Street West.
<br />Hillcrest Drive Sidewalk —Yellen Park Project, City of
<br />Palmdale, CA. Project Manager. The project provided a
<br />missing sidewalk link on Hillcrest Drive from Avenue S to
<br />Buena Vista Elementary School Boulevard. The westerly
<br />street parkway improvements included a new sidewalk,
<br />ADA curb ramps, and street lighting.
<br />Dockweiler Drive Extension, City of Santa Clarita,
<br />CA. Project Manager. The City of Santa Clarita proposes
<br />to construct a $30M Secondary Arterial—Dockweiler
<br />Drive from Sierra Highway to Railroad Avenue. The
<br />project will provide an important north -south connection
<br />for the City, a new entrance to Masters University, and a
<br />secondary emergency access point for the Placerita
<br />Canyon community. The roadway extension and
<br />widening will go through an existing railroad crossing,
<br />business district, hilly terrain, and the Master's University
<br />property.
<br />