Laserfiche WebLink
Santa Ana shall: <br />a. Approve website refresh recommendations. <br />Completion Criteria: <br />This task is considered complete upon completion of administrative deliverables and <br />when the Santa Ana Project Manager signs the completion letter for each subtask noted <br />below. <br />TASK 9-A: OCIAC WIREFRAMES & SITEMAP <br />Objective: Based on OCIAC's objectives and long-term goals, staff will develop a site <br />map of the new website's navigation as well as an outline of the site's main pages. <br />Task Description: <br />The sitemap and wireframes will showcase how all of the OCIAC content, imagery, <br />resources etc. will be organized on the new website. This draft will provide an <br />opportunity to highlight the team's overall objectives before programming starts. <br />a. Provide a sitemap of the new OCIAC navigation including all sub -pages <br />b. Provide wireframes or lay -outs of the Home, About and "Submit a Tip" pages. <br />Responsibilities: <br />Comm LAB shall: <br />a. Provide sitemap and layout options for the approval of the Santa Ana Project <br />Manager <br />b. Implement any requested edits/changes to the sitemap and wireframes <br />Santa Ana shall: <br />a. Review and audit draft sitemap and wireframes <br />b. Provide any feedback, edits to staff <br />c. Relay final approval of sitemap and wireframes <br />Completion Criteria: <br />This task is considered complete upon the completion of the deliverables detailed in the <br />task description above and when the Santa Ana Project Manager signs the task <br />completion letter. Planned completion and invoicing will be at the end of October 2022. <br />30 <br />