Laserfiche WebLink
19. Allow mennl:rrs to have court thorn Sarre memheribip card. SpIccific cards can be issued for different <br />mcnabmhip packages customi7j--d pa5s requirements, Allematively. a single card can be set up to hmt <br />rrrore Than one mcmkTship package- <br />1 I, Ability for rmbership pass to automatically renew if that option is selected by the custiNmer. <br />12- Allow memkrships tD be used as discounts and integrat-c diSCOO i irrtO PPS furwtiorwLiLY. <br />13- Allow utimo icr$ to scafch and view their membership Rwkiaee status In ror=tion vr~lirra. <br />Point of Sale (POS) <br />FOW has a gift shop at the Zm lh$t Fcnt5 out items such as s#rollers or wheelchairs. and sells ride iIckrus. Ride <br />tinkro we also sold at a second location in the ma's Cann on -site. All nwney paid to FOSAZ should h�- tracked <br />separately to the 501 c)3, <br />The POS portion -Dr the ticketing systettt capabd i ties should irri Iude, but not be Lim itcd Or a I I. oC the fal lowi ng: <br />1. POS module prow ides full cash regimerlpoi nt of sa le Functionality. <br />2, Abi lily to track al I iriVentOq ilamS, srrch as uwliers ur whrelchairFk <br />3. Abi till• to record 271d traek by date. time and vur-Mly u F sa hni. lrzn.,Rclrmm. <br />4, Allow for multiple ty�es of payment_ including the following: <br />U. Cash <br />b, Checks <br />c. Credit Cwds <br />d. Coatacdess�Tap to Pay payrntmi <br />e. A combination of the above in the same transaction <br />5. Items cats be sdi up 2s a gpetific price �PLUI or as an qxn cuvarn price. <br />6. Novi& uustonicrs with item I7.rd mceilas. <br />F_ ?numbered reoeipis {in order ica 31101Y for the ideniilication of transactions and to provide a full audit trail). <br />$_ ALIow!j assignment of paTxi_ular saics to preset kcys or links, <br />9_ AbiIicy ip track opening balance ofcaah drawer, <br />10. Miplays r-3* lran5actions, including balance owing and change W be returned. <br />11. Suppm uhc u-sc of buijch screens That can be tailored as needed, <br />12. Suppm mobile acccss Get the tfield laifough tables, <br />Ea, Ability to update programming centrally+ (e.g. for pricing, changs aced Chartgrs Ira prx UCr rnix), <br />14. Accomrnc4 a repordn$ ore a ceni.m iced hasis (e,8. fygr!T! Wide IIJU1 s) us UVII as on a Heal bens {e,g, <br />wills for a p�Alcv lur POS stet ion on [y). Reporting must al so inc I ude day and t i me of sa les optim, <br />i $ , Abil i tv in Prini a drta i Irks ticrr regrd, <br />1 , Abdity to Summarrifv tronsacli-on5, payrmenl iypc, general ledger account, and looaraon, <br />17. AI low for iracmag or non -revenue admissions, i.e.. no -fee events such as Residei s Daysales_ <br />City of S,ta +rya R .R 11 /1 /2022 <br />Page ' 6 <br />