Laserfiche WebLink
Customer Rely Duskip Mamagem-ent <br />'11pre Zoo would like 10 t=k paCRAIS i3l the system brit dcirs not wi5h cvcronc to K- xquired to make aiti account. <br />For etc&mpLt, if a pgtrnn wishrfi to pur-chase four t ickcts to the Zaa, 4AWO would. prel4r W n(t Fate them W <br />1-Mak an acCaunt. but rather, be able tID purchase those without lojUing into the syst.rrti- liowever, all mend ers <br />would nod to create an account arid once in like symein, Lill trans3cmuns praccs5cd under t},at mrrnbcahip 5hoiiPW <br />k tracked arL-d logged and pTovilde �ccesg w cusloniers Lo update and ehange their jn anal d as noedad. <br />'The C R M porilon of the ticketing System capabi lit ies shnuld inoludc. but nit he I imiWd to, all of the following: <br />1. Allow both cult-omer aecok,ert n4SUataon acid &ituaticm$; whcrc an account is riot nc dcd, <br />2. W h- rn customer does riot have on a-xisiing ;v�euunt and washes to crcatc one. the system offm the fallowing <br />online optinns: <br />u. Chpi ion to create an �iccanra arA havc it inmiediately available for use. <br />b. Option to activate amine cummer, unts caly after entail walWlioa. if selected, an Activation <br />email will be sent to the cuatomees emiaiI address, and they havt: to click i.rn a link Lo act1U4Lt-C their <br />onl ine :a-GieLL. t!MSLI ri ilk [he uCCa,trt i inn,ot be acri uat,cd i F the t Lisromer did sat give a v;n I i-d email <br />addrtss- <br />t. Option for the :5yhLern 14) auLn-crcale a password for an account for onIine access. The passworJ will <br />be inc 1LAcd in the accout`t creation confirmation sent automat icaEly by email. <br />d. Opt -Ion to sp-xify number -of days until the auto -creased password For online aeces's empires. <br />3- ToQl;i for staff t) msi51 in idcnlifwing and cor lidating duplicate tustc mer records. <br />4. FunctiomiIity to validate rc5Wcncy based an strect ioddress, <br />5- Abili;y for cmpinyccs to highli& and access "alerts- an customers for key infortmation- <br />5, Allow staff to decide ghat their custonim see and are able so perform cm the public access side. <br />F- Functionality that assmintes relawd customer mcords as famili-es, housa9wlds~ Comp-3n ;s or orpnlzvions. <br />Customers should he able to access informat-Wrr tw perform actii3n:5 in 1hr system t'or athcr cu5Uvnm whLo ore <br />2ssocd ed through this rcla6anshlp. <br />9- AbiliLy to vicw on]Ine Arad print Else fufJowing items from a Cu5it MCr'5 aceaUrrt- <br />a. Tit;kers <br />b- Membership infomiatiim <br />c. R rations mad4 <br />d- Financial msacti-ans end account balance <br />c, payments made to their account <br />r. Prey ious transactions <br />9. Ability to change their login name attid password. <br />10. Abi I itry to charge their address and pc rsanal Inf6rmation . <br />11. AN I i LY to change i n FtirmaLlnn about Lhe i r fami y members a5 w-11 aid 4Wd a rk w Farm ilk member. <br />I�. AIlow a eusbmer identil;catinn phaua to b�- sLorod against the cListorn-er's account, <br />- - 11 /1 /2022 <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 22-008 <br />Page 17 <br />