Laserfiche WebLink
L 5. '`Split" payments may be paid by rhrck, part cash. pets credit c3r4i. part -coupon, and part from account <br />Condit belancc- <br />t 6- Include n mceivablim #raking mcchsnism to track customer balances, agi n e accou nts mel wab le and pr&vldr- <br />rcpckru for paMents due, <br />17. Ability to support ]14i kct purchase Transaction Re Funds via Credit Fard trinsacclorl refund crud lnkr <br />Lawson general ledger 4ransar4-tiort reversal. <br />19. For mass refund trans",tions (refuad ing 1 eex for multi p le eusLumen)- staff r-an ri fund: <br />a. Em i re S ickeUreservation fee <br />b. Part of the tie <br />1 �. Allow incomplete payments and create a payment plim fi)r the tustodler for rc.Wrwa61?R b ingS, <br />2.0, if there are any payment plan payments Orgy a receipt, alJow fur addi.ho al tex[ w be added to tltc bottom of <br />die receipt, above ttt. rectilpi not,e:s, giving the receipt nurnlxr:3W paymcnt plan balartoc on each payment <br />plan paid a:5aimt on tFw receipt. <br />21. Abi I i Ly to pusL adj ustmenm to the cuisturricr's account be lance, <br />22. Alai I ity to produce customer invoices an&or stalcments wilh user -defined levels of data i L <br />23. Abi I I Ly to pod uce ai cash summary shect (cash taunt discrim inawd by curreacy1coin denom iri-ation) that <br />lists paymcnt types aji&or dcnarnination amounts so that the SAZOO staIT-can specify haw much of cash <br />payment type or denomirnat ion is in the cash drawer at ncc end of the shi I <br />24. AMity to track arad audit casli summary overgv--VshortaVs. <br />25. D i spl ay identity of staff that voided a Lransaction tni the receipt- <br />kl:arkeling and Oil trench <br />o staff` would hke to uti I ize data captured in the system to understand the it t;L15L-UMCr ar+d m bcrah i p base and <br />then provide rnarketing infbrmatiim to thew p3trnrk5 on a regular hasi5. Any tools to assist in this prixess are <br />*51red to make sty ff acti Y itm as effis icra as posai ble. <br />Tk ovmch prtipn of the GrActing sya m capabiliti-CS AGu Id i nc l ude, lmh not be limited to —.all of the Col lowing; <br />I , Mm entail functional ity to market to aid disrribcc information to current and past eustamem, b2- d on <br />frlom by interest or past activily. <br />2. Allow email to be sent dimwit frorn wifliLn the gsrern to one ur many indlvidua15, accounts, cDnipallies, <br />ere- in tr--vt or UETML with the possibility of attaching &K uments or photos I imcgration with a third-parLrr <br />tool is acooptablc). <br />3. Ability to sct up Subscription I ists. wher6y -eustomers elect to subWribe w parti6U18F mailing or <br />wmi unicatioa groups that are used to s nd regular cma i t ur postal ma i I com munkations to customers. <br />4. Al low both staff and ci. tamers to manage subscri.pLio-n l i sts. <br />$. Allow cust,ain-12atia}n bf mass email slyte tcmplalcs- <br />6, , 111ty Ed Creat,r mailing IoLbc1� fnr ;ipcciti-c custonwr groups. <br />7. Ability to sand S S or text mcs5ages to mobile devroea through a designated group ofreciPicnrs Via the <br />System. <br />S. Ilave an antomat,ed link fmn ticket sales or reservations to sur}ry} ; orwu ry guest his Yisiied the Zoo, a <br />survey is aUrnrraticaIIv wrLt- <br />Coun 11 /1 /2022 <br />CrLy of Sanla Ana RFP 22-MB <br />Page 19 <br />