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Report ittg <br />The Zoo dasires a mbast report writer' as we I a3 a :seE-Df stmndard rypival r,--pari:s that care he aeccised by the staff. <br />The reporthig portion of the ticketing sy! tem-:ApAbelit'WN slwuld include, bus nei bC limited;Q. a I I 0017the following: <br />E. Ability to view AIL reporis on screen -or output as Excel S prcads}icet, HTI+'Jlr Pr PD1' fide. <br />2. Providead hoc reporting and oaimed POPU is FOF standard business repGting. <br />Provide the 'ailaf}LIiC�r f us�lort]i d srLf- cr rat d r ,orting or the ahilily to dvwnl:o" the database and <br />utilize third -puny reparii S wDLL-. <br />4- Pruvide siaff with user-conIA3.11%�1 - Wtoction xctccm - prig to running each report. Selonion we&rIs &Ilow <br />stiff w Pormw tf c rr" spcclfivavion by �;Ewosi ng only relevant r,Wa, such as reporting just fior a ri nglc <br />ro�omfiield, for a singie or group of fwilitits- .lilt -es, nerd times- Report sc ltnr[inrs oC01s tape may be ma& <br />ai1her individually, or W cumbinatiOrls. <br />5. AIlow staff to identiFy "Tawori[t!s" -or an cquivolent- 1n Mir. =a, staflf'con. create lheir own custorniaed list of <br />f(kV-06te task areas 63E iA un3'gLM Only tD them. Upon i n itial logi n to Ifs System, al l rinvorites wt prese med try <br />the $pcca r1£ staff, <br />6. Gcnergtc rvpurts to tma Gcnci~a1 L,cdgcr account infMnatiaa by lypie OFticket. <br />7. Track rcvanuc lay each mcmber-Aip type, broken dower by individual fee c"rd urLd nc[ reucnuC- <br />7. Sygem providcs the ability to monitor revenue and aiwidance 1�y da[e, tirtseslrx, oreyent. <br />0- Ability to produm daily att-endance reports, <br />1 E�, Abiliq to Twoducc consolidetcd day end finamial mpons 11int proy1dr uom�olidared louts from all functional <br />arias, e.g. gmrkd total ofalI ticket 010,gNup resKrvslions and membership salc:N. <br />11. Ability to produce the folloWi�IS "daily otCPst!" rrpi*FU. <br />a. Cash rereipt repCIri, listing 111.It opts pry L—C9.W i payment t�pc, and tolal5- <br />b. Cash distribution surnmwy, showing all pakment distributions, <br />c. Account [ransFur rtTon- sharing funds flow among mvcnuc accounts. <br />12. Deporting eapabiii#ies, a I Idws pri ntiri.8 4 reporLs, Iabtls and genermr-5 emai l l i sts WwJ upon multiple <br />5clectian scenarios. such as zip vcfdc, gender. arcs. and age merge, <br />13- Ability to reprint rccolpts "&or tickets <br />1+4, Ability to produce rcporu of all chwges and paymelits "Iiq -due, <br />15, Ability to pFoducc rcrund reporl, showing sll milli nds For a specihad dwe rane. <br />16. Produce a reservation master V-eport- ifialudIng Ed of Che foIlawir`g Options and da[a clen,i;�nts; <br />a. FAIL reserxati.wis fora specific cusA:imer, KhoDl �r gawp. <br />b, A] I reservati Lms roe a sprrif u date- <br />-e- Combinsi ions of the abvYc- <br />Tec h n fit: al, Doeu m-en tat ion, Secu rily a n d audit <br />I ,S olutIon can he %ith,,.Lr cloud- bu rl or'On-premises, Ifboth are o%red, plea±�c ptowide PricLn� fur loth <br />'Options. <br />2, For on-ymmiSC& the Zoo stmnply orefers s-'stems tsar can nin in u uirtLiulif-xd 11 'ar,c �rt�iro <br />- 11 /1 /2022 <br />01Y at Santa Ara F-FP 22-009 <br />Range 20 <br />